That is a great excerpt. Unf**kingbelievable.
That's what the WTBS wanted in their overseers. They look like idiots to anybody with a brain. I love the look on the judge's face. It's like "how stupid can you possible be!"
That is a great excerpt. Unf**kingbelievable.
That's what the WTBS wanted in their overseers. They look like idiots to anybody with a brain. I love the look on the judge's face. It's like "how stupid can you possible be!"
jehovahs witnesses cover up child sex abuse and oust a victim.
topics: criminal justice / religion .
child sex abuse royal commission hears jehovah's witness church did not sanction self-confessed paedophile.
the world today.
posted about 6 hours ago.
Good luck in going door to door buddy.
Hopefully people will keep this in social media for as long as they can.,-july-2015,-sydney.
Annnd, here we also have the fruitage of lack of higher education. Dino is sadly ill equipped to deal with the complexities life, and quite representative of the thousands currently in positions of oversight.
The severity of the issues is completely lost on him, and he doesn't seem to have a clue. He is well suited to a cult.,-july-2015,-sydney.
all three segments of day one are on my website and youtube channel.. .
barbara .
The elder had to use the "silver sword" to swear in for his testimony.
They look like the nutjobs they are.
Like was said somewhere, I think some of the elders will see what the whole world sees, and finally understand just "following orders" doesn't stand up anymore, there is a right thing to do...especially in regards to these abuse cases. The automatic response to protect the perp and his family at the cost of a victim is hideous.
i just heard this a few minutes ago by a jw friend who is still an elder in my old hall.
the kingdom hall i used to attend and my mom still attends was paid off many years ago and serves about 6 congregations.
one of the english congregations has a lot of financially well of members.
That's great news! I hope this happens in more and more congregations.
Again, this is a corporation and all decisions are made for the benefit of the corporation and to ensure its existence.
earlier this week i bumped into a couple of jws who i recognised from the cult cart.
a few months ago i had a long conversation with him one of them and found him to be quite friendly.
he is new to the area in the years since i left.. this time he was very defensive and said he wasn't allowed to talk to me.
I do believe it is what punk says, more of a defensive reaction. That being said, it is reflective of the mindset of the corporation that is revealed when you read court documents. It doesn't matter how many cute videos they put out, or how many times the creepy GB says "WE LOOOOVE children," they couldn't care less about them.
the report about child abuse and jehovah's witnesses is now live.. jehovah's witnesses handle child abuse cases.
jehovah's witnesses and child sexual abuse, the report - bbc radio 4 .
one year ago, this thursday, i went to work as usual.
i got home, ate dinner, got myself dressed for the meeting, and helped my kids get ready like i usually did.. my son had a talk that evening, his second one.
many of my family went to support him.