Welcome Betty! Glad you found us.
The advice is good here. Honestly, there is no replacing years of relationships that you have cultivated. Even if you are reinstated, you are different, they know you are different, and they also are different. Things will never be the same as you might think they will be. Life will always be cautious around you and you will carry the mark of "DF" forever.
However, if you start building a life that you want to live while you are waiting for what you think you want, it will be time well spent. You will have the satisfaction of developing yourself into the person you were meant to be. Find a hobby or craft or volunteer work that you enjoy, and you will meet people that feel the same as you.
Nothing worthwhile is easy, but the rewards are great. As much as you wish to be reinstated, it means nothing to the elders. JW's are all about punishing...it's very important to them. Those that miss meetings or don't meet a good average in service are always called out...punished. You can never win with elders. But you can win at your life if you try.
Wishing you strength for the journey.