When I left I took the time to research things I never had time to study before. The cross, salvation, kurios...several subjects. My gut feeling all along as a JW was they were making it up as they went along. I found out they didn't really come up with anything new...their doctrines were based on teachings that already existed. So no magic for me in the JW.
I listened to xtian radio on my commute for a while, and lo and behold, they sounded just like JW's with just a slight tweak in destinations. When I thought about going to church, I just felt I had enough religion for a lifetime. I wasn't going to learn anything new after years of defending my faith and bible study. I didn't really "need" religion like I thought I did.
So I did the work for my own "spirituality," and was able to sort out what was best for me. I recommend taking time to do the same, and not make decisions based on what others think you should do. Your feelings will sort themselves out accordingly. Good luck.