Good article Barbara, thank you for writing it. So true...sigh.
This past Friday and Saturday, I went to a viewing/funeral of a co-worker. I spent time with a relative and another nice lady who were chatting about their religious experiences through the years, Catholic, evangelical, Episcopalian, etc. One knew I was raised a JW and had left, the relative I knew had a daughter that was a JW and a former missionary. When I was asked what does a JW do when they leave the church, I paused for a few moments to gather my thoughts. The relative looked at me and said, "are you shunned?" I said yes. This started a good discussion exposing this despicable practice by JW's. I love that...I love the exposure of this seemingly harmless and "nice" organization/people of their hateful actions. There is nothing loving about it. A two year old can see that.