LOL. Love W.C. Fields. Those grumbling lines...hilarious.
Posts by Dagney
Misogynist? You‘ll like this. Man hater? You’ll like this. Or maybe you just love W.C.Fields humor.
by humbled in
what more can l say?.
Did You Care About The Royal Wedding?
by minimus ini don’t get it.
who really cares?
in the usa, it’s such a huge newsworthy event.
I don't really "care" personally and thought I wasn't going to be bothered to watch. But Friday as the broadcasts began I got sucked in and enjoyed it very much. I guess after a whole life of "no tradition," I find like to see it now, and without all that JW judgement about how bad it is...because it isn't.
It was really beautiful and well done, and I am a sucker for the fashion. I am mixed on the American preacher's sermon, it sounded naive to me with all that is going on in the world. Just me. The love message is always good, especially for the couple as they start their life together. And maybe people will think about it. But when you have a group at war with western life and are aiming to destroy it, it sounds naive to me. But it was good as it made it truly their ceremony and that is what it is all about.
I had a friend that was enamored with the monarchy. When the queen came to LA in 1983, we came to see the plane that landed in our little tiny local airport and we saw the limos drive out and maybe caught a glimpse of her. It was pouring rain. I did it for him, but here I am so many years later with a fond memory. He collected souvenirs of Charles and Di. He has since passed, but can't help think how jazzed he would have been to see this wedding of Prince Harry.
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Suicide in the spiritual paradise all too common
by doubtfull1799 injust heard that a young brother committed suicide this week - the whole congregation is naturally very distressed.
what a tragedy.
according to my source he'd only been married about a year and his wife found him - he’d hung himself.
When I first came to this board I read a heart wrenching story by Makena. It turns out I had heard the tragic story from a friend who lived in the area where it happened. There are some souls too fragile to deal with the disapproval dished out by this authoritarian arrangement. You can slip up once, and decide taking your young life is better than facing a judicial committee. And this family was close and loving. You just never know sometimes.
Makena and his wife learned from the tragedy, exited the WT, and are living their best lives AFAIK.
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What happned to the Quick Builds
by blownaway inso the qbs were huge in the 80s and 90s, now i hear nothing.
have they stopped?.
Ahhh quick builds. I only participated in one, my own KH rehab. It was fun for me, even beer in the parking lot in the evening.
It was quite a status symbol and feather in the cap of those on teams of "specialty" workers. Brag brag brag. I know they felt they were part of something glorious and had their own camaraderie. Some learned trades, and it was a brilliant idea from a high control group. Everybody got something out of it.
But it really was scam. I've heard so many stories from professional contractors, brothers, that would try to guide the overseers and advise them of problems or things that they were doing wrong. Those project overseers would take shortcuts,ignore the advice of the professionals and not do things according to code resulting many redoes. The society always did things back then with the idea the system was ending soon and nothing really mattered in the long run.
Sometimes things sound good on paper.
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Even elders don’t know their beliefs
by Addison0998 ini had a deep conversation with my elder father today about the bible.
first i talked to him about luke 16:19-31. the one where jesus makes this crazy illustration regarding the afterlife.
of course he had to look it up on the watchtower library to be spoon fed his beliefs.
Before I left, and I'm thinking it was around 2000, I was at a gathering of pretty close friends. This group was very open about their feelings with the understanding nothing left the room; it was completely "safe."
One time a relative was there, a current elder/former special pioneer (Ireland). I don't remember what we were talking about, but it probably was a bit of groaning about the same things that are discussed here. I remember the brother was mimicking going up to the door in FS and said, "Hi! I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and we don't know what we believe."
That just really hit home, and I never forgot it.
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Posters You Miss
by minimus inanyone that you miss from this site, dead or alive??.
i miss farkel, blondie and a host of others!.
I Went To My Brother’s Memorial Service at the Kingdom Hall
by minimus ini have to say that the talk was very good.
instead of just repeating a jw manual , the speaker actually spoke about my brother!
there were a few scriptures with the jw hope but 80 % of the talk was actually about the life of my brother.
What a humongous waste of time the religion produces.
This is something that angers/saddens me more than anything. Of course they continue to look forward to paradise, but the org has done a fantastic job of convincing people that "now" is not important. It's not important for relationships, personal growth, work..just anything. Lost time/years you can never get back all for absolutely nothing.
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I Went To My Brother’s Memorial Service at the Kingdom Hall
by minimus ini have to say that the talk was very good.
instead of just repeating a jw manual , the speaker actually spoke about my brother!
there were a few scriptures with the jw hope but 80 % of the talk was actually about the life of my brother.
Posters You Miss
by minimus inanyone that you miss from this site, dead or alive??.
i miss farkel, blondie and a host of others!.
It was a sentimental walk down memory lane reading the names mentioned in this thread.
Hillary_Step - wow. He was one of the most interesting posters. His discussions blew my mind, which was sorely needed. I just searched him right now and will take the time later to read some of the discussions again.
Narkissos, Leo, many.
Crumpet, coffee black, Mary, tkjmo are alive on Facebook.
Thank you again Simon for this place to heal, argue...grow.
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