fulano - I had to check to see if we had PM'd before but I don't think so.
I was in Nicaragua. I will pm you, wonder if it was the same time.
the international assemblies are on... and the missionaries are coming home... and leaving richer.. i have, in all seriousness, been told by a co that the missionaries going home have large sums of money hidden in their luggage as they go back to their assignments.
he related how one couple was almost caught with the undeclared cash as they passed through customs.. this has been going on for quite some time, the watchtower using missionaries are mules.. i bet with all the kingdumb hall sales the pace has picked up..
if we haven’t associated with the congregation in years, could it be said we are not jws?
or must you be disfellowshipped or disassociated to officially say you really aren’t a witness?.
anyone any idea if there have been any repercussions over whiskygate and if anthony morris was ushered into the backroom after a meeting?
i am pretty sure if this had been a member of the r&f and the video was all over the internet, something would have been said about being careful not to bring jah's organization into disrepute.
i am sure the local elders in the congregation he is assigned to wouldn't have the balls to do it and there would have to be a mole pretty high up to find out if the gb got involved.. we can but speculate i guess..
I think the story is more embarrassing than scandalous.
However with this guy or any other gb, if the shoe was on the other foot, and he ran into a R & F with a cart loaded like that, there would be a comment if this was the best use of his disposable income. After all, they need Sofia's allowance and ice cream money.
if we haven’t associated with the congregation in years, could it be said we are not jws?
or must you be disfellowshipped or disassociated to officially say you really aren’t a witness?.
Question. I haven't been to a meeting in 18 years this month. What happened to my publisher card?
I am not DF'd or DA'd. I just saw my old BOE last week at a memorial. Only went because the daughter of the deceased, who has been out for decades, asked that I go and of course I went to support her. Navigating a JW function when you are out and have unwelcomed DF's relatives is dodgy business.
The elders were nice. They seemed shocked to see me. Curious about the card...is it destroyed and am I off the official books?
i watched this convention video and do not recognize this religion any longer.
there are attendants singing and dancing in grass fields.
later, you see sisters holding up this silly sign that makes me laugh.
It's funny, the song in the video says "Jehovah provides for us all." But it's really the people that paid to go on that organized tour and the R & F that provides all those goodies.
I get the huge video screen needed for a large arena, but holy cow does that ever look creepy with Lett is it? Yikes...so so creepy.
if we haven’t associated with the congregation in years, could it be said we are not jws?
or must you be disfellowshipped or disassociated to officially say you really aren’t a witness?.
i was reading something else on jwn and remembered why i started questioning wts definite statements of fact.. i was asked by a non-jw to prove these 2 points from the scripture:.
1. when did the 2,300 days in daniel 8:13,14 start?
this scripture therefore suggests that jesus himself is the archangel michael.. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102005160?q=jesus+michael+archangel&p=sen.
is there anything that will make that loyal witness ever see the light??
you know, that well respected elder, pioneer, or witness who has been in the “truth “ for decades..
I think there is a base of JWs that just don’t want to think about anything else, and prefer being told what to do, and would do nothing to jeopardize their social spiritual network. I think there is a far larger group that knows it is probably all BS, and are struggling through.
The end not coming, new light changes, shunning of loved ones etc must eat away at normal folks shouldn’t it???? 😞🤔
i knew of a ministerial servant that was called out because he used fire crackers on the 4 th of july.
we had to have an emergency meeting as to his qualifications.
i remember imploring the body to not make a big issue over this and it was decided to just “counsel” him about being involved in a patriotic holiday.🤨.
there is so much wrong with the newly released october, 2019 but that's not unusual.
what stands out is there statement claiming that survival through armageddon depends on loyalty to those 'taking the lead'.
since they claim there will be a point during the gt that they (the gb) won't be physically around, jws must still be loyal to jw leaders.. whats interesting in this article is that they make it clear that they, the governing body are going to take part, from heaven, in the war of armageddon.