I watched the video. He looks well rested.
It's funny that every single thing LE mentions that is being done to him is exactly what he has done all along to anyone who disagrees or opposes him. Every. Single. Thing.
His followers will lap this up.
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I went to the theater last night some OG exJWs. One of them had no idea about the LE drama. I'd like to point her to where she can see the video. She couldn't believe what we were telling her.
I'm not the greatest at finding things, so if someone could help I'd be thankful.
Never mind. I didn't read far enough up on the thread.
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original reddit post (removed).
It's like when people are outside court for someone like Bill Cosby, you have to wonder, WTF is wrong with you?! Don't you have any standards?!
^^ This.
I see the blind support for LE in some of my friends. They haven't had the LE experience many have had on here and in the exJW community.
Here's the thing I said.
Lying is never okay because he "does so much good", or it is only bad when the other side/enemy lies. Not calling anyone out on that alone, you just excused the un-excusable. LE lied every minute of every day for years to his wife and his best friends. Every morning when he woke up, he had to make sure to hide his double life and cover his tracks, all the while as he planned for his next escapade. That's fact. And apparently some are just fine with that and that is their choice.
I'm not sure of all GB/JW's he's mocked and criticized as I don't watch his videos, but as far as Tony Morris is concerned, let's do an LE. Why should it matter what Tony Morris spends his money on? It's his money and he worked for it. It just shows how lacking in moral character LE is to make SUCH a BIG deal about Tony, and hiding his own sordid lying life. It's not just a mistake, it is complete lack of moral character.
I don't think LE is going anywhere, and he will continue to put out his videos so the money stream doesn't stop. BUT what I hope is that forevermore he no longer be allowed to participate in anything having to do with CSA.
I watched some youtube that contained a letter read from mark or marko. This is what doesn't make sense to me. Marko was all about turning LE in years ago. Then he "forgot." Then accidently found copies of chat on old computer. Nobody forgets an incident like that, and with a family member? I'm not saying it isn't real or he isn't real. Just the story as he told it is dodgy to me.
in addition to studio space, the planned ramapo-tuxedo complex would total 1.5 million square feet.
the complex would include offices, 600 housing units in multiple-family buildings, underground parking, a fitness area, and a visitor center for the public.. .
here is anthony morris in a jw broadcasting february 2022, reading a (fake) letter from a ''concerned brother.
One of the first XJW I met locally here made a comment I never forgot and repeat as needed.
"Watchtower is a corporation. The goal of a corporation is to remain in existence."
Adding to that, as I thought about every single change in "the organization," they were all to protect the corporation.
Decisions are not made for spiritual reason, or to help the spirituality of the faithful. IMO.
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i hope other countries follow suit.. https://youtu.be/pfw9xzugcms.
I will look at the video tonight when I get home, can't view at work.
BUT, what caught my eye was the "social isolation." This is one of the things that got some Utah elders branded by the state as abusers when they DF'd a minor. Isolating her from her friends and family as a punishment from the church was seen as child abuse. And that's in Utah, a very difficult place to see any government action against a church/religion.
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