When my dad tried to kindly explain that he was too ill to attend the co-ordinator cut the call short and said he didn't have time to listen to all of my dad's health problems.
This infuriates me. I had a friend who experienced this. He was a month away from his passing and the secretary called to get his "time." He told him he had none to report. The elder pressed him for quite a while even asking "didn't you talk to meals on wheels, anybody? I don't want to put you down as irregular!" My ill and very sensitive friend was so distressed. I kept trying to tell him the elder was clueless and just "doing his job." But for me, this is one of the nails in the coffin. I left 1 year later.
Unless there is a caring group within the congregation who look after older/infirmed ones, they are on their own. There is no direction from the society to do any sort of care giving. I really hate this religion.