It's curious that given how important funeral talks are (and by the nature of things, how often they have to be held), there seems to be such variety in the quality of them. Especially when you think how tightly the org controls the content and tone of every other meeting.
I think it lies with the speaker. There is a good portion of them who get that this is the time to not just preach. They understand it's offensive to people who are grieving, even though they use the outline. I attended two HUGE memorials held at auditoriums, with live feed to the KH where the talk was given, one with a Bethel speaker. Other than the segue from warm and introspective to the resurrection and pet tiger, they were good overall. Also note literature tables set up with all the brochures Bibles etc. UGH.
I went to one where none other than Geoff Jackson attended via zoom, and gave a few words and gave the prayer. It was a very personable talk with lots of slides and experiences.
My mother's memorial speaker and Br. Dreadful were totally out of touch with the audience. They wanted only to get their message across and that is "all you guys out there need to come back to JeHOvah because you are bird food." My mother's was so horrible my brother, an elder, apologized for it later. As if anybody would ever want to join or rejoin after hearing these types of talks. Absolutely clueless.
So it appears HQ "allows" the speaker to make the call of how to integrate the outline, and face it, some guys are just clueless in any talk they give. In their mind fire and brimstone is the tool of choice.