I was born in Cleveland, grew up in 7-Hills now I live in Florida. I go back every couple of years.
The name Duda sounds familiar, did you or family go to the Broadview/ Brecksville hall?
I was born in Cleveland, grew up in 7-Hills now I live in Florida. I go back every couple of years.
The name Duda sounds familiar, did you or family go to the Broadview/ Brecksville hall?
i retired in the middle of may.. i know many of you would love to have endless free time on your hands too.. right?.
ummm, well..... i'm use to being very active.
i use to stand on my feet eight hours a day.. at the bookstore i'd have to squat, stoop, stretch, lift, walk.. i had to sort, answer question, make change.
Your a modern day Jack Kerouac, or Ernest Hemmingway, do it.
unless you're still searching for "the truth", are you happy to know this "truth" is not even out there?.
The troof is full of crap.
But truth exist.
pretty, ain't it?
stopped here to pee.. .
oban distillery.
enjoyed the pictures.
most jw.s really believe that they ( as we once did ) are promoting gods will, but what if they really are ?
is it possible that god is supporting them even though they (governing body ) lie, because most jw,s are ignorant of the lies told on their behalf, ?.
when i was a jw i got attacked by the demons bigtime, but not now, and i can only assume that they (demons ) are happy that i am no longer a jw and are now leaving me alone, cant think of any other reason, has god ever supported a group who were similarly found wanting ?.
I distinctly head someone call my name last night in my hotel room. Clear as could be in a normal voice, I heard my name at 2 in the morning.
.....the ridiculous amounts of whisky i had been drinking earlier combined with me trying to fall asleep after slamming 2 gatorades and a banana (fruit is healthy and we forgot to eat dinner).
Nah, let's go with ghosts.
What I have put out is hear say, thats all I got.
My friend did tell me that this has been going on for some time and he did have some kind of hoodoo voodo ceremony
performed to cleanse the house.
I dont remember what the religious affiliation or ceremony was.
But I doubt his experience on multiple occasions was alcohol related.
I'm not saying I believe him, I ran a lot of objections by him.
He believes what he experienced.
many people distance themselves from formal religion but say that they are a "spiritual" person.. .
similarly theists talk about the "spirit" as if it is something that is self-evidently true.. .
i wonder if anybody would like to have a go at defining what they mean by these words?
I know one thing, If you want to believe there is no God, there is nothing I can say or do to change your mind.
I can understand and comprehend the atheist position, I could intellectually easily say I am an atheist.
But emotionally, which involves the emotion of honesty, I have to say I am honestly an agnostic.
Then if I take it one step further and throw in a dash of faith, I'm a believer.
In what, the God of my understanding who is subject to change when and if he gives me new
many people distance themselves from formal religion but say that they are a "spiritual" person.. .
similarly theists talk about the "spirit" as if it is something that is self-evidently true.. .
i wonder if anybody would like to have a go at defining what they mean by these words?
Tal I mean to say. I dont think animals think about dying.
But I truly dont know. I watch my dogs, I dont know what they think about all day.
What ever they think about they have limited capacity to act on it.
With humans evidence of thinking is when we have an idea it turns into a reality.
Man has had so many ideas that we have made this complicated material world we live in.
I dont see animals having ideas like that.
I can agree that animals know when its the end of the line.
But I dont see evidence that they think about it thru out their life.
I think spirit and soul can be very similar.
Maybe I would say you have a human body laying on a gurney dead. Thats the body, or material man.
You hook up an defibulator shock it and start its heart, its breathing but its not concious, thats soul.
Then it wakes up and says I want some fried chicen and watermellon, thats spirit.
Spirit is the animating principal of a person or animal.
Sorry what does that mean pecisely? Are you thinking about some sort of ephemeral life force? If so that is a question for science. How would we find this force, how do you know it exists?
Cofty, I dont know it exist.
And I know where your going, your an atheist so you say there is no spirit.
Being an atheist you are also a materialist. You cant put the spirit under a microscope so it doesnt exist.
Thats fine, God is for my benefit as much as I am for Gods benefit. At least thats the world I live in.
In the past I have read of medical observations of a body weighing less after death than before.
If you incline yourself to believe those observations that would be the begining of evidence of a soul or spirit.
In this society they dont make a practice of weighing the body before and after death and trying to observe minute differences
in weight so the evidence is hard to come by.
most jw.s really believe that they ( as we once did ) are promoting gods will, but what if they really are ?
is it possible that god is supporting them even though they (governing body ) lie, because most jw,s are ignorant of the lies told on their behalf, ?.
when i was a jw i got attacked by the demons bigtime, but not now, and i can only assume that they (demons ) are happy that i am no longer a jw and are now leaving me alone, cant think of any other reason, has god ever supported a group who were similarly found wanting ?.
I got a friend who is not a JW. He moved away to Georgia and came down visiting in Florida.
He told me the house he is renting has ghost.
He said it is accross the street from a graveyard.
He said when he comes home at night he hears voices saying"Help me"
He believes there is a ghost outside his house.
The ghost is not persecuting or attacking him but he believes there is a ghost there.
This friend works in a hospital.
He said hospitals are known to be haunted and have ghost.
He said when someone dies in the emergency room there is no window and the spirit can not get
I work in a jail. I here many stories of unusuall things happening in a cell where someone died.
many people distance themselves from formal religion but say that they are a "spiritual" person.. .
similarly theists talk about the "spirit" as if it is something that is self-evidently true.. .
i wonder if anybody would like to have a go at defining what they mean by these words?
Apparently it differentiates us from the animals but what is it? Its the hole that we try to fill - an interesting metaphor but exactly what is it?
Spirit is conciousness, some people are more concious than others.
Spirit is knowing we are going to die, the animals dont know that. But animals have spirit.
Spirit is having an awareness to disbelive in God or believe in God or believe whatever you want about the past, present,
future and eternity.
Spirit is the animating principal of a person or animal.
dr ron paul!.
greetings from holland!
Ron Paul is the first man I ever voted for after escaping the tower in 83.
I voted for him for president in 1988. He was running on the Libertarian party ticket.
I dont think he won that one.
I think some dingbat named Bush won.
I think he'll legalize marrijuana then we can medicate ourselves, and not be so disturbed at how the
politicians are rapping us.
I'll vote for him again, I'm already registered as a Republican.
You need to vote for him in the Republican primary.
If he doesnt win the primary and lead the Repulican party in the national election he doesnt have
a chance as an independent, at least on my observations of US politics in the past 100 years.
I hope he wins, But I doubt the Illuminati would allow him to win.
If he did win I doubt the Illuminati would allow him to impliment his platform.
Maybe at room temperture but not 98.6.