No males should make a fist and touch knuckles with other males. Females should curtsey.
i understand that it originated in babylon!.
therefore should true christian(tm) shake hands?
No males should make a fist and touch knuckles with other males. Females should curtsey.
the wts provides illustrations of well clothed and fed people standing around grinning at each other at some never ending picnic.
that's nice.
but with all the focus recently on the aftermath of hurricane katrina i got to thinking of the practical problems of a post-armageddon world.
In the twinkling of an eye they will be in paradise.
there has been a couple of threads about death just lately and it got me thinking about what funeral i would have.
i hope it won't be for many years yet though.. when you are a dub it would have just happened.. when i was fading i would have just accepted that it would have been what my wife wanted.
i would have also had to have a dub funeral for her.
If I died tomorrow. I have no plans. I would guess my wife and son would cremate me. That would be it. That would be ok.My wife wants me to cremate her. If I live out my life in my 70's I will probaly make arrangements to be burried some where. Maybe with my great grandparents in Cleveland.
what significant things did you learn through the internet that you would otherwise not get to know?
What significant things did you learn through the internet that you would otherwise not get to know?
That there is no satisfying answer that holds water as to where we came from and where we are going when we die. There is no tangible truth. Just possiblities.
being one of jehovah's witnesses
after having been one of jehovah's witnesses either through being raised as one or getting the "truth" from the preaching work, some have reverted back to the organization as one of the "lost sheep".forgive us our trespasses .
it is well documented what the watchtower has done regarding the issues of.
I could never go back. There is nothing to go back to. They dont have the troof. The music stinks and the meetings are totally boring.
i always like to come back here and see those who are still in (but faking it, like me), those who are about to be out, and angry, those who are out and angry, and those who are out but sanguine (sp?
anyway.. despite all the undoubted and unargauble arguments about the wbts i just think its funny when y'all talk about the watchtower people being in it for the money...honestly, the bethel people, the elders (i know quite a few in the us and uk bethels), honestly, have you seen, their houses (if they have them), or their cars, or their suits, or their watches, or their shoes?
) even the branch people and the gb, honestly, these guys are not in it for the money, for the security maybe, a distasteful realisation many years ago that they have chosen the wrong path, that maybe they should have gone to university after all, but are stuck working as postmen (or overseers of packaging depts)..
Ive never thought the water tower society was about money. Its about the blind leading the blind. And its about blind leaders holding on to power. Its about a bunch of dysfunctional people spreading the pain and agony. Not a pretty sight.
if you could know the answer to any question...what would your question be?
How about I give you four... you figure out the rest
01 19 26 73
fours worth about 75$ thanks.
if you could know the answer to any question...what would your question be?
What are the winning numbers to this weeks Florida Lottery.
are you for it or against it?
Are you for it or against it? Just this year I had a drunk hit and run and wreck my car. That was pretty upsetting. Im for cops checking with road blocks. 2 things I dont like about it here in Florida. A 180 lb.man could get a dwi after drinking 2 beers. I would rather see it 4 or 5 beers. But its a business, the legal system. So, there gonna be as strict as they can. Good business for the lawyers. The other problem is they always announce where the road block is going to be. So they only catch the stupid drunks.
i'll be spending a couple days w. my jw niece soon; other non jw family also, but first time i've seen her in years.
i wonder...do jw's take a vacation from their hours or could i expect to see her leaving us for a time to place literature, .
just wondering.
I wonder...do JW's take a vacation from their hours or could I expect to see her leaving us for a time to place literature,
or go door-to-door? Just wondering.
Either or. It depends how radical she is. Let us know how it turns out.