Posts by jaguarbass

  • free2beme

    How up are you on the music and musical artist, hot today?

    by free2beme in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    as i get older, i understand more the generation gap we always remembered being mentioned with our parents.

    i always thought i was on top of the music scene, as i used to run a music and video store in the late 80's.

    i thought it kept me on a path, that would keep me in the know of what was hot and what was not.

    1. jaguarbass
    2. jaguarbass
    3. Twitch
  • jaguarbass

    Don't ever judge hip-hop by what you see on MTV, or hear on the radio (booty rap)... remember, Sex sells... so that's what get's air play.... There is so much conciense hip-hop out there, that it's imposible to hear it all... but I tell ya, you'll never hear it on the radio, cause it doesn't make money... ya gotta search it out...

    Ok Openfireglass. Enlighten me. If you have the time and inclanation. E mail me a list of songs and artist I would like to check them out and share your experience. Because my experience is limited to mtv and radio. Thanks

  • free2beme

    How up are you on the music and musical artist, hot today?

    by free2beme in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    as i get older, i understand more the generation gap we always remembered being mentioned with our parents.

    i always thought i was on top of the music scene, as i used to run a music and video store in the late 80's.

    i thought it kept me on a path, that would keep me in the know of what was hot and what was not.

    1. jaguarbass
    2. jaguarbass
    3. Twitch
  • jaguarbass

    Norah Jones is Ravi Shankers daughter.

  • Sparkplug

    Jezebel Idea in Motion (photos)

    by Sparkplug in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    ok, it started as an idea to make a jezebel such as was in the book of bible stories.

    but then i did not have all the parts and my hair was tied down.

    i threw in jack the ripper shoes and stockings, and a gypsy skirt.

    1. Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    2. Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    3. Sparkplug
  • jaguarbass

    Sparkplug, I like your work. You are a visual artiste!

  • iamfreenow

    My sisters

    by iamfreenow in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i have two sisters, angela, who is 17 months younger than me, and who has been baptised since she was 16, and jean, who is 55, and has never been a jehovahs witness.

    i have always got on very well with both of them, but now i am no longer a jw, i really wondered how angela would react.

    it's not that she has ever been an over - zealous jw.

    1. crazyblondeb
    2. jaguarbass
    3. JWdaughter
  • jaguarbass

    but for now, I am so happy to have both my sisters still in my life.

    Good for you enjoy your life. It might be the only one.

  • Mulan

    does anyone know??

    by Mulan in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i am packing for a trip and wondering if i can put my digital camera in my suitcase without it getting damaged by the airline's x rays.. i prefer not to put it in my purse.

    it's heavy.

    leaving in about an hour, so someone reply soon.

    1. Mulan
    2. jaguarbass
    3. SixofNine
  • jaguarbass

    I dont think it will hurt it. I would put my camera in my suitcase. You could take the memory out. I guess it would still get exrayed. People must travel with their cameras and their cell phones which have cameras in them. Why not call the airlines. Thats it. Call the airline and ask them.

  • The wanderer

    Watchtower and Jonestown Drawing Comparisons

    by The wanderer in
    1. jw
    2. friends


    when first meeting jehovah's witnesses, the message is one of hope .

    and peace.

    1. parakeet
    2. greendawn
    3. pratt1
  • jaguarbass

    A lot of people have died prematurely by refussing 20th century medical technology. Ive known a few.

  • Dansk


    by Dansk in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    not too long ago a new kingdom hall was built in bury, near where i live.

    it is frequented by two congregations, whitefield and bury.

    both have problems and are losing members (let's face it, with my family alone whitefield lost 5 .

    1. Twitch
    2. jaguarbass
    3. JWdaughter
  • jaguarbass

    I think many of those that belong to the water tower society today view it as a social club. You go and get bored out of your mind and listen to some bad music for a couple of hours then you go out and have cake and coffee. Some people find that very entertaining.