Would commentary of the kind above disparaging The Holy Spirit or accusing God of being evil be this common on a similar website intended for Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic or Baptist topics?
Many note that when some JWs leave the WatchTower they are so hurt and disillusioned that they become angry at God or become hateful about God.
The God of Love is not being represented by The WatchTower. They taught hatred for Traditional Christian Religion and continue to train their readers to distrust anything from "Christendom". They even teach their readers to believe that demons will take them over for reading the Bible (non - NWT) on their own or other Christian authors writings. The WT pushes Jesus out of the message of scripture and place themselves into it calling themselves the "..." class in dozens of ways.
What did Jesus actually do to wrong you when he took your sins upon himself? He did not write the Bible to or die just for 144,000 leaving an "other sheep" to work out their own salvation by service to the WTBTS publishing corporation. He died for all men and women to pay for all their sins. No works can save you. Being out in "Service" convinced that this work is necessary to secure ones salvation or to earn it actually diminishes the perceived value of HIS death to nearly zero.
Shaving cream can't make a man righteous - but the WT's Witnesses act as if it is that important.
The Watchtower CAN NOT BE TRUSTED and too many exposed to their ideas think they can not trust Christendom. The WT uses dishonest and incomplete quotes and does not identify the source to hinder a reader from verifying the quote and its context. They condemn one who does try to verify and WT elders say the WT gives everything one needs and one is not to waste ones time reading other sources. The WT, its writers and its editors are exposed as liars by those who investigate their ideas and their organization. I found only hatred for truth in the Watchtower who calls themselves "The Truth". I spent over 40 years in the WT and knew its ideas better than many of the elders I knew.
I know that I found God in Christendom.
God is big enough to handle your hurt that is so great it makes one hate him. But HE did not sin against you. Stop calling (Jehovah) God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit as evil or responsible for the evil acts and ideas of men such as the WT produces. Please, test God to display himself to you - give him a challenge only HE can answer.
Blondie, I think it fair to add that the kind of angels called "watchers" are our guardians. Men are guarded by such until they become reprobate and God removes his hand of protection. That is one explanation for Katrina and Haiti type disasters. (New Orleans and Haiti have large numbers of persons involved in VooDoo - Get angry at VooDooers for causing God's watchers to go away if you think HE was wrong for letting a flood come or an earthquake or whatever to come. Yet, there are reports of miraculous interventions such as the Haitian man buried in rubble for about 6 weeks who said a man in white had brought him water. - That should cook your noodle.) We are not abandoned to chance, time, or unforeseen occurrence in general - that is just another non-Biblical WT idea.