How would YOU like it if some Methodists decided that whatever sect YOU are part of "isn't Christian" because your sect doesn't fit THEIR definition of Christian? I know that you fundies and evangelicals have a special Gift from God that enables you to read and judge the hearts of others, but might I suggest you come on down from the Summit of Sinai to Calvary and learn some humility and grace? Just a thought. G
JoinedPosts by Geronimo
Can the JWs really be called Christians?
by greendawn ingiven the jehovah centred approach of the jws and the marginalisation of christ at least as compared to mainstream christian religions, the extreme reliance on the old testament and particularly the refusal of nearly all jws to participate in the new covenent, should they be thought of as christians at all?
even though they like to call themselves at times: christian (?!
) jehovah's witnesses.
Baptisms (WT legal contract) null and void
by Sacchiel inis there any truth that people under the age of eighteen cannot be held under a legal contract (which is what the wt views baptism as, a legally binding document to the society)?
the result would be that individual cannot be disfellowshiped since that person was underage and above all, never even signed a document.
is this applicable in the us at least?.
Tennnnn-HUT! Perhaps the wider world can begin to see that all religion is out-of-date and medieval in it's crudity and nonsensical nature. Spirituality is not religion BTW as it has no dogmas, creeds, nor hare-brained rituals. NOTE: The saying is "hare" brained NOT "hair" brained. The point to the insult is that one has the brains of a hare ( a wild rabbit) not like a hair. As you were private.
A Riddle - Somthing Mentioned in Genesis, but God did not create it!
by VM44 inhere is a riddle.
i am thinking of something that god did not create, but is mentioned in the book of genesis and also throughout the bible.. what could it be?.
VM44 you of all people should be aware of Isaiah 45:7, that Jehovah God is the creator of evil. The Hebrew words is "ra" and it does indeed mean evil, no matter how many modern translations try to cover that fact up by substituting words such as "calamity" "woe" "destruction" "suffering." How does that make Jehovah any better if he is creator of woe, calamity, destruction and suffering? The "logic" in this reasoning is nonexistent, but is indicative of the mental state of the True Believer. A True Believer will grasp at any argument, no matter how assinine or ultimately stupid, in a desperate bid to save their religion from reality. G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Skeptic2, I concur but would add that "God" IS evolution; the One Conscious Energy of the Cosmos constantly evolving in a dance of Self-discovery, metaphorically speaking. It's important, it this context particularly, to see and understand the crucial difference between consciousness and awareness. One can be conscious, but unaware. When we sleep, we remain conscious entities, yet unaware. The Universal Mind is conscious, but not aware. Awareness comes to the Universal Mind when it manifests through beings having self-awareness.
It is deep dreamless sleep that we all partake of each night that is so very restful and refreshing! The reason is that we have returned to Primordial Consciousness, the Infinite Consciousness that is unaware of anything except bliss. One can experience these Metaphysical Realities for oneself by taking up the practice of meditation. G -
Jehovah God and God
by Geronimo ini realized today that when i was a dub i unconsciously made a distinction between jehovah god and god.
i had always thought of god as infinite eternal conscious energy and love, the sum and ground of being itself.
impersonal except as personified in sentient beings such as ourselves.
I realized today that when I was a Dub I unconsciously made a distinction between Jehovah God and GOD. I had always thought of GOD as infinite eternal conscious energy and Love, the sum and Ground of Being Itself. Impersonal except as personified in sentient beings such as ourselves. When the Dubs put a name to it, JEHOVAH God, they thereby shrunk God down to fit their little minds and even littler hearts. On an unconscious level I thought of Jehovah as merely a god that made the earth with his nasty helpers, and pretty much spied on everyone to make sure the party was pooped on. Again, this was not on a conscious level. If it had been I would have burst out laughing in KH and gotten up and left. Anyone who believes in this silly little deity and his voyeuristic ways and egotistical insecure hateful agenda is a fool.
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Shining One, when another shows you enough respect to make a detailed answer to your question or comment, it does not become you to answer in such a nasty godless unChristlike fashion. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Am I mistaken or is that not the Golden Rule of Jesus? Of course, since you are now a triumphalist evangelical, you need not pay attention any longer to your thoughts, speech, or behavior. Now you can simply be the meanest nastiest SOB around and--HALLELUJAH--you're still clothed with the righteousness of Christ.
Paul is the worst thing that ever happened to Christianity. His writings are a maggot...I mean magnet..for every hateful nasty SOB desiring to harm others but do so wrapped in Streaming Clouds Of Glory. This description Fitzhugh to a "T" shining one, for your posts reveal that you lack any respect for your fellow human, a complete lack of Grace at work in your life, a total lack of any Transformation taking place within you, unless one counts being transformed into a nasty gnome. A troll.
People do not dislike and abhor you "shining one" because you are Christlike. What is it that you think you "shine forth" ? Perhaps you are utterly self-delusional after all, as was Paul. Reading his words, Paul was obviously a small ugly man with an ego the size of Manhatten. With a short temper and delusions of grandeur. As a Pharisee, he brought his Pharisaic mind to bear on Christianity and turned it into a legal court-drama in the sky. One's righteousness is merely an imputational righteousness in his wiritngs, whereas in John the emphasis is on a transformative ongoing relationship with the indwelling divine Logos. Legal/mechanical thought versus Mystical/Living thought.
Too bad you choose the robot lawyer way, shining one. G -
Patriotism...The American Flag...Pledge of Allegience...Are they Wrong???
by LuciousJ ini'm confused about the whole 'patriotic' do's & don'ts.
what is the real take on it wrong to have anything patriotic?
is it wrong to say the 'pledge of allegiance'?
WAFT LAVATORY ANT JUST TITS FORT OWLThat's how they do it in the Big City. Honest. G -
The JW female
by fullofdoubtnow inas a follow - up to dansk's thread on the jw male, i was looking at a bit of info in quotes, and found this bit of crapola from the august 22nd 1967 awake, which gives "reasons" why the man should be the head of the woman:.
however, the facts show that the headship of a man is both somatically and psychologically sound and in the best interests of all concerned, even as we shall see.
thus a leading authority on the human body (soma), gray's anatomy (1966 edition), tells the interesting fact that as regards the human skull there is no difference between the male and the female until the time of puberty; but then as adulthood is reached the difference becomes more and more apparent.
It was a WOMAN who invented Christian Science!
It was a WOMAN who brought us Seventh Day Adventism!
It was a WOMAN who invented tuna casserole!
It was a WOMAN who invented the penis pump! Oh yes it was! DON"T you deny it! Her name was Hildegard VonSheiskoph and in a drunken rage she said "Das is nicht ein weiner!" and then she hooked it up to a tire pump and the rest is history. Honest. G -
The JW female
by fullofdoubtnow inas a follow - up to dansk's thread on the jw male, i was looking at a bit of info in quotes, and found this bit of crapola from the august 22nd 1967 awake, which gives "reasons" why the man should be the head of the woman:.
however, the facts show that the headship of a man is both somatically and psychologically sound and in the best interests of all concerned, even as we shall see.
thus a leading authority on the human body (soma), gray's anatomy (1966 edition), tells the interesting fact that as regards the human skull there is no difference between the male and the female until the time of puberty; but then as adulthood is reached the difference becomes more and more apparent.
Hey Dansk! Yes, but I'm over it today! The healing power of laughter, perhaps. My apologies for my large font, but I must squint at everyone else's posts. G
The JW female
by fullofdoubtnow inas a follow - up to dansk's thread on the jw male, i was looking at a bit of info in quotes, and found this bit of crapola from the august 22nd 1967 awake, which gives "reasons" why the man should be the head of the woman:.
however, the facts show that the headship of a man is both somatically and psychologically sound and in the best interests of all concerned, even as we shall see.
thus a leading authority on the human body (soma), gray's anatomy (1966 edition), tells the interesting fact that as regards the human skull there is no difference between the male and the female until the time of puberty; but then as adulthood is reached the difference becomes more and more apparent.
Dear Arthur, the fact that I called you a MINX (that is a term for a playful female where I come from) was a clue that I was playing back with you. Perhaps a breathing exercise is in order fot you, yes? G