i found a watchtower today
it was wet and crumpled
and lying in the street
a cold wind blew
just as i saw the magazine
and i shivered.
i looked around
and i was alone
Just as alone
as i had been
when I carried
a briefcase full of mags
I bent over and
picked up the wet mag
and a strange feeling
came over me
a feeling that
a part of me was dead
images of the holocaust
invaded my mind
and nazi stormtroopers
ready to blast
my humanity to bits
but they were too late
death comes in degrees
little by little
it shuts us down
i was alive when i
placed my first mag
and felt so glad
i didn't notice
the soul eater
reaching inside me
grabbing my heart
squeezing oh so gently
so i would still smile
grey windswept scenes
haunt my dreams
i'm lost in a maze
a maze filled with ghosts
all of them lost
as lost as me
i turn left
and right
and left again
yet i find no way out
i stop and look
up at the sky
the sun smiles briefly
as the clouds fly past
and the warmth reminds
me i'm the living dead
the ghosts begin to gather
and sing their songs of zion
crashing through the bushes
i exit the maze
leaving behind the ghosts
i make a break for freedom
and here i stand
gripping the tower
the street is wet
and grey
so i shuffle on
knowing that
my ghost still wanders
in the maze
JoinedPosts by Geronimo
i found a tower today
by Geronimo ini found a watchtower today.
it was wet and crumpled.
and lying in the street.
Isn't resurection just you dying and leaving behind a really confused clone
by mkr32208 inphilosophy is becoming more and more interesting to me.
questions of existence of what makes you, well you!
i've been mulling this over in my mind for a while, and decided to ask your opinions on it!.
When I was a Dub and had "resurrection" explained to me, I realized that Jehovah God could do the same things while I was still alive! So, it wouldn't really be me, just an identical replacement with all my memories that would think it was me. I got chills. I mean, I got CHILLS. Most religions offer peeps some kind of actual HOPE you know? A hope of Immortality. The JWs don't. They offer a God that will make en exact xerox copy of you if you die. You die, and the copy thinks it's you. Like I said, Jehovah God could do this while I'm still alive, so this isn't really rexurrection at all, just a re-creation. Yeah, a clone. G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hey, this thread is muy bien. I love this discussion. Thanks for all the input guys. G
Just a rant
by Geronimo ini like myself in a healthy way, i really do!
that's how my parents raised me.
but i wound up in a "i hate myself and i'm a miserable slimey worm that deserves to be annihilated" cult!
Hey Badboy, Done4good, acadian and serendipity! Thanks for dropping in and reading my rant. G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hey Acadian! You got it dude. Questions questions questions. But I think I can reach a point that all of my "important" questions are answered one way or the other. Starting this thread was a great idea. I'm read Bishop Spong's book Why Christianity Must Change Or Die. He takes on the classical ideas about God and pretty much shatters them. He's a theistic evolutionist, so maybe that's a good way to hold both ideas. Hey, is that your pic? If so I love the dreads. G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hey DD! I put all three sections of this site on my favs. Thanks dude. I read a little bit and already can see this is going to be some excellent material. G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hey Mysterious. I see your point and I think you're probably right. Evolution happens so slow it's not as if I can take a snapshot of it. I was just looking over a site that has quite a few transitional forms on it. Such as the feathered flying lizard, the (gonna try to spell thsi right) archaeopteryx. Some others too. Plus, a fish that breathes on land and scoots around on land has been found! It's still alive not extinct. It breathes water and air and crawls up out of the water and scoots around. It's amazing! There are furry lizards fossils too. All kinds of transitional forms. The ID materials usually don't mention the plethora (ha! a new word!) of these transitional forms. Or they try to explain them away. G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hey Abaddon! Okay, your post is muy bien too, though I'm going to have to look up penotype and genotype and Larkian. The point you made about the Designer needing a Designer if complexity demands a designer: That hit me really hard. Thats an excellent rebuke of the argument. I also can clearly see your point about ID being a trojan horse. I thought so too and I still think so. Yeah, I do check out Talk Origins and I'll keep on doing it. LOL on quantum chromo electrodynamics. You made me laugh. I'm getting more of a sense of the scope of the evidence for evolution. That it comes from all branches of science and at this point is overwellming. Thanks Abaddon! G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hey Running Man! Now THIS is ther kind of response I was hoping for! Bigtime content in a form that I can understand easy. Thanks! I found this funny essay which is a good rebuke of the "watchmaker" argument you mentioned. http://www.jhuger.com/watchmaker I think all of your reasonings are very pointed and difficult to find fault with or refute.I'm starting to get a better birds eye view of evolution and the problems with ID. My noodle neeedle is definitely over in the evolution end of the guage. But some of the ideas of God you mentioned are definitely the traditional Judeo Christian variety. There are others that don't have all the probs and contradictions and silliness. You mentioned you wrote a book. Is it the evolution equivalent of a pop-level book on ID? You have a gift of making these things really obvious and understandable. I'd like to buy your book so PM me with the details. Thanks Running Man! G
Evolution still bugs me
by Geronimo ini know there are a lot of threads on evolution and creation and i've read a few here and there.
how can complex systems arise of themselves in the face of entropy?
one evolutionist book i read used snowflakes to show this is possible.
Hey Pope! I like that. Just set it up and let it run. I email with some theistic evolutionists. Bishop John Shelby Spong, a man I admire a lot for making so many complicated Biblical questions understandable for everyday joes, is a theistic evolutionist. G