Philosophy is becoming more and more interesting to me. Questions of existence of what makes YOU, well YOU! I've been mulling this over in my mind for a while, and decided to ask your opinions on it!
How can I put this... Ummm
Ok Jehovah has you in his memory right so he could conceivably blast you with lightning and they resurrect you on the spot right!? In fact you could be resurrected in the middle of a pile of your own twisted viscera correct?
Ok so say he cuts out the first step, makes you a new body and resurrects you WITHOUT KILLING YOUR FIRST! Is this 'resurrected' clone YOU? You still exist right there next to it so is it really you? Or just a confused clone?
So I guess this is my question if you die and are magically resurrected in the 'new system' were you REALLY resurrected or is there just a clone walking round who THINKS it's YOU?
Can you be separated from your body?
(For those who believe in an 'immortal soul' separate from the body we can deal with that later!)