Good luck with whatever you decide.
JoinedPosts by Gilberto
I have been invited to a judicial meeting.......
by AK - Jeff inon october 8, at our local kh.. i knew this day was in the offing - i have been playing hide and seek with the bastards for a few months now.
they tried to corner me before the co's visit, unsuccessfully.
i suspect he told 'em to 'get 'er done.
I'm new and nervous!
by kitten whiskers ini am new here and have been "lurking" for several months.
the discussions have helped me tremendously to break free from the society.
i want to thank you all for your help and heartfelt posts.
A little background on me: I was raised in the "truth" and have also had to overcome the fear of Jehovah destroying me for not agreeing with the Society. Still get nervous about if I am doing the right thing (feeling as if I am about to shake in fear quite literally),
My wife was brought up in the "truth", she had these feelings aswell. When she came to the decision she couldn't go anymore she felt like she was playing a lottery (what if they are right?) When I called the WT "baloney", she recoiled a little and felt I shouldn't say that.
I got her Crisis of Conscience and showed her this site and others. You want to hear what she calls the WT now.
All the best.
WTS account for Britain (2005)
by dozy inhopefully is available in adobe format by clicking on the link..
When I started on the accounts as the assistant I suspected the accounts servant to be "borowing" the contributions.
This was easy if, after counting the boxes, he kept both copies of the receipt. Or when given money from the groups they gave him both copies, which all but one group did. So the only record of any money was with that accounts servant.
The way it should be done was that the accounts servant would keep the one copy and the person verifying, (there should always be 2 people counting) would hand the second copy to the Secretary. The 3 monthly audit would then be caried out matching the receipts the secretary and accounts servant had.
I told the secretary my suspicions and why, and he was taken off the accounts. He was incompetent and should never have been doing the accounts anyway. The books never balanced, he couldn't add up things were a mess. I became the accounts and made sure I carried out everything by the book.
Why does the WTS say not to pray this way?
by sinis inif jesus didn't want us to use the our father prayer than why did he say to pray then this way?
the wts seems to never use it as supposedly christendom does..
Hmmmm, sounds like they don't want to use the prayer as it might associate them with Christendom, whom the hate.
I think thats about right.
Im in the national newspapers today!
by katiekitten inmy partner successfully sued gloucestershire constabulary yesterday.
we got our day in court, and today we are on the front page of the daily mail and the gloucester citizen, and we are in several other nationals and locals, my partner's been interviewed by sky news and the bbc.. we finally got them to listen to us after ignoring our letters and phone calls for months.
and it feels fantastic!.
Wow Katie, I saw the paper in the supermarket this morning.
Why does the WTS say not to pray this way?
by sinis inif jesus didn't want us to use the our father prayer than why did he say to pray then this way?
the wts seems to never use it as supposedly christendom does..
Here is the reason the WT gives
w04 2/1 p. 8 "Lord, Teach Us How to Pray" "A certain one of his disciples said to him: ?Lord, teach us how to pray.?"?LUKE 11:1.
ON ONE occasion in 32 C.E., a disciple of Jesus observed Him praying. He could not hear what Jesus was saying to his Father, for it was probably a silent prayer. Nevertheless, when Jesus finished, the disciple said to him: "Lord, teach us how to pray." (Luke 11:1) What prompted this request? Prayer was a regular part of Jewish life and worship. The Hebrew Scriptures contain numerous prayers in the book of Psalms and elsewhere. So the disciple was not asking to be taught something that he knew nothing about or that he had never done. Doubtless, he was familiar with the formalistic prayers of the religious leaders of Judaism. But now he had observed Jesus praying, and he likely sensed that there was a big difference between the sanctimonious prayers of the rabbis and the way Jesus prayed.?Matthew 6:5-8.
2 Some 18 months earlier, in his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus had provided his disciples with a model upon which to base their prayers. (Matthew 6:9-13) Possibly this particular disciple was not present at that time, so Jesus kindly repeated the essential points of that model prayer. Noticeable is the fact that he did not repeat it word for word, indicating that he was not giving a liturgical prayer to be recited by rote. (Luke 11:1-4) Like that unnamed disciple, we too want to be taught how to pray so that our prayers will draw us closer to Jehovah. Let us therefore examine the fuller version of the model prayer, as recorded by the apostle Matthew. It consists of seven requests, of which three concern God?s purposes and four concern our material and spiritual needs. In this article, we will consider the first three petitions.*** w04 9/15 p. 4 The Lord?s Prayer?Its Meaning for You ***
The Lord?s Prayer?Its Meaning for YouTHE Lord?s Prayer, as given by Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, is found in the Bible at Matthew chapter 6, verses 9 through 13. Just before giving this prayer, Jesus said: "When praying, do not say the same things over and over again, just as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words."?Matthew 6:7.
Clearly, then, Jesus did not intend that the Lord?s Prayer be recited word for word. True, he later repeated this prayer for the benefit of another audience. (Luke 11:2-4) But the wording of the prayer differs somewhat in the Gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke. Moreover, later prayers by Jesus and his disciples did not rigidly adhere to the specific words of his model prayer.
The footnote for Matthew 6:7 reads "do not babble words do not utter empty repetitions" Which is maybe different to saying the same things over and over.
by badboy indid/does discovery of new fossils make you/or those around you doubt the creation version of things?
I used to hate it when evolution was mentioned on tv etc. Looking back I think it was because I never really bought into the whole creation account. So things just didn't sit right with me. Mind you, I would have been prepared to argue for creation as I did all the other doctrines.
If this doesn't scream mind control, nothing will
by restrangled inthis poem was written by a 15 year old jw to encourage one of my younger relatives to get back to the kh.
to get to the meeting ahead of time.
to make our way to the counter to get in line .
And that was suppose to
My thoughts exactly
Hospital ordered to give Jehovah's Witness transfusion
by Gilberto in
hospital ordered to give jehovah's witness transfusion.
21/09/2006 - 5:28:29 pm.
I'll bet this story doesn't make it into a WTBTS magazine (unless, of course, at some future time someone involved gets run down crossing the road, when it will be presented as evidence of Jehovah's [delayed] judgement).
No but maybe will be included to show how JWs are persecuted.
This also got me thinking, will JWs be sad/angry/happy to hear of this story? This could be an interesting point to bring up with any active ones.
Hospital ordered to give Jehovah's Witness transfusion
by Gilberto in
hospital ordered to give jehovah's witness transfusion.
21/09/2006 - 5:28:29 pm.
if you're sectioned they can administer any medical treatment necessary to preserve your life.
People with serious mental illness (or at the very least in a possibly unstable condition) are vulnerable to receiving inadequate medical care.
She was not mentally ill.
The Ms K case is understood to be one of the first of a compos mentis adult refusing a transfusion to come before the Irish courts.