Lately my family is hammering on this economic really pisses me off, that Witnesses USE anything negative that comes along and throw it in your face to make this logical conclusion: economic_crisis=end_near=work_your_ass_off_for_the_WT....then after a while nothing happens, everybody goes mphff...shuts up....goes quietly along until the next crappy news hit the wire. This is such a sickening is like a cat trying to biting its own tail => USELESS! Since I´ve started my fading, i have been REALLY studying, REAL books (Economics and History, i have been spoon feed with the Societies view on History and have to re-read stuff with another point of view). Now, here comes interesting reading: WHY is this crisis happening? (besides the crappy sub-prime deals). Here the real reasons: Watch this free movie for a very, very good explanation on all this things. After reading this stuff, watching this movie, further researching and REAL Meditation, i am very relaxed about all of this....with a clear mind YOU CAN be able to come up with a real, weather-proof battle plan: Simply said: EVERYTHING in nature is about cycles - SPRING - SUMMER - AUTUMN - WINTER -> WE as HUMANS "work" in cycles: Did you ever experienced this? You have a new hobby (let´s say going to the Gym) start real enthusiastic and keep up the schedule and everything is bright and fantastic...then after a few weeks it becomes daringly BORING...the new hobby/interest/ becomes routine and you stop move onto something else...after a while you find your old workout books, stuff and become inspired again and start again, with fresh enthusiasm... Or at work. You decide to become very active and professional and get there in time, etc. After a while you get tired of this and start slackening again...until an new wave of new resolutions hit you like an iron.... Its all UPS and DOWNS. Now, the Economy is collectively speaking the same: We drive things up, entrepreneurship, new ideas, etc.....after a while the masses become complacent, self-satisfied with the accomplishments and "lean back".... Just a few thoughts. Keep your eyes open for NEW opportunities. Moments of economic crisis usually create new millionaires and "old" millionaires loose they´re wealth => it´s like turning the tables. A new start, a new game. I like Baron Rothschilds point of view: I´m not saying you should buy, I´m just saying I like the BOLD VIEW of doing something that everybody else ISN´T doing. And we, as Ex-JW or faders, or whatever have been used to the contrarian standpoint in life (thanks WT---ironically saying)....NOW, go and USE that to YOUR advantage. END of my little cheer-up speech. Relieved myself and shared with others. Mission accomplished.
JoinedPosts by RedPill2006
Economic Crisis? Don´t panic, read this, enjoy, relax and watch....
by RedPill2006 inlately my family is hammering on this economic really pisses me off, that witnesses use anything negative that comes along and throw it in your face to make this logical conclusion: economic_crisis=end_near=work_your_ass_off_for_the_wt....then after a while nothing happens, everybody goes mphff...shuts up....goes quietly along until the next crappy news hit the wire.
this is such a sickening is like a cat trying to biting its own tail => useless!
since i ve started my fading, i have been really studying, real books (economics and history, i have been spoon feed with the societies view on history and have to re-read stuff with another point of view).
What happened to JWD? Could someone please give a quick lost
by RedPill2006 indear friends,.
i have been away for a couple of weeks, come back and see tons of threads about jwd closing down..... .
....i cannot write for long times, as i have to do this "undercover" i can't for a while read long threads.. .
Thank you buddy!
I've quickly read most of the thread.....
....this means
1) this great community will get lost....distributed = less power
2) we will not have a venue to receive insider news from the House....
3) No continuous fresh comments on WT studies (very much needed, sometimes i can't come up with thoughts about all the BS that they print)
I understand Simon and his fellow partners. I salute you my friend .... and wish you all the luck and very, very best that you deserve.
Finally, I'm very sad about this....I think, as it looks point to the WT (i hate to say so....). Could it be that those Gay posters where sent by the enemy????
What happened to JWD? Could someone please give a quick lost
by RedPill2006 indear friends,.
i have been away for a couple of weeks, come back and see tons of threads about jwd closing down..... .
....i cannot write for long times, as i have to do this "undercover" i can't for a while read long threads.. .
What happened to JWD? Could someone please give a quick lost
by RedPill2006 indear friends,.
i have been away for a couple of weeks, come back and see tons of threads about jwd closing down..... .
....i cannot write for long times, as i have to do this "undercover" i can't for a while read long threads.. .
Dear Friends,
i have been away for a couple of weeks, come back and see tons of threads about JWD closing down....
....i cannot write for long times, as I have to do this "undercover" i can't for a while read long threads.
Please summarize for a friendly fellow what happened?
Will this site COMPLETELY dissappear? This would be a great victory for the WTBTS
This is sooo sad....I need this site and this can we cope (the ones that have to go and please family members)
Im really sadened.
Even active witnesses think this is way over the top.....
by yourmomma inthere were gasps after watching this.
i heard the anti college talks at the dc this year, and while many people i know didnt agree with them, this following video stunned many of them.
there are many people on this forum, many have gotten to where they are many different ways.
I'd like to run up on thatr stage and kick that man in the balls
ROFLMAO dawg..... Help yourself, can i have a kick or two? Like many of you I didn't go to college as it was planned, also later one my company offered me a fully paid scholarship, because of my results at work.....I declined A SECOND TIME, my mother (raising us, as a single mother) was having very hard beating elders knocking on our door, persuading her and putting pressure on me (through my mother)....after I declined, and started pioneering they never knocked again...not even to was all MORE, MORE and MORE. Later one, a friend of mine went to Bethel....and yes, they invite lawyers, engineers and doctors to become Bethelites and most of them NEVER pioneered.
"Heil, Loesch" our Fuhrer. (A&^%hole).
By the way, Brutus Loesch, I WILL persuade as many young ones as possible TO DEFINITELY GRAB any career chance by the horns! Your talk puffs like smoke in the air, I am constantly there, talking into they're ears, sweet and lovingly, just as the average JW likes....because they are so beaten up, that anybody that cares a little bit has open ears. So forget about it....MORE YOUTHS TO COLLEGE.
Just finished our District Convention
by BonaFide ini know i am going to get caught being on here...and i don't want to get caught, but i need support or i will lose my mind.
how can i give information about my convention without someone figuring out who i am?
(i am not important i know that, but i know so many people in the organization) .
I am still considered a JW, I go to most meeting and still do a bit of Field service.
Funny, isn't it? Heck, I still receive "privileges", they keep pushing stuff on me, eventhough I've dismissed from being an elder....have made them understand that I don't "jump and dance" anymore, miss more meetings than ever, and STILL get to read the Watchtower, Prayer, Reading at the book study, THE MIC SHOW, ....
......there are two MS in the Hall that are absolute stiff "Heil"-We-do-everything guys and I enjoy seeing that, everytime I have some monkey show, they are pissed, because technically I am a NOBODY, but have the same ranking as them (plus i get to miss a lot of meetings and barely go out in service, just to keep the slip with a figure......some months even a roughly invented figure, but a number is a number I just can't put there 70 hours and nobody sees me at any service meeting....would look suspicious.
by whereami inindependent research by the r&f.
the boys in the writing committee need to hire this person.. .
this is alot to read, but so amazing to see all of the events listed that happened all in this year.
This is EXACTLY the blatant ignorance that governs people (and not only JW, but specially JW's).
Do you believe everything that appears in the media? Well, yes I forgot.....we all where gullible and fell for the WT trap. For the past 10 years I have devotedly studied the financial markets, cycles and theories and you might argue about some of that stuff, but there is ONE undeniable truth:
DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ! Economic cycles DO EXIST, up and downs are normal phenomena that are part of the financial system because it is run by HUMANS, and HUMANS respond to cycles (and not only menstrual cycles, there are many more )....whenever the masses believe "something" (like now: "Crisis" is the word of the moment) mostlikely the opposite is ocurring....that is how new millionaires where made during the Great Depression....Fortunes change the owner.
As for other statistics.....crime rates, etc. My family gets all upset when I mention that they would hate to live in Europe during the Middle could get your throat slid in a blink of an eye, if you where not dying from the black for pedophilia.....I'm sorry for mentioning this as I know that this is hurtful for many, but during Greek and Roman empires and even during Ancient Israel there was something like "legalized pedophilia"....not funny, but you can read it up.......the problem exists, yes, but at least most civilized countries condemn, prosecute and fight off this problem......also we life during a time where things are shifting into a new paradigm......I've read books that where published during the turn of the last Century (1800 - 1900) and it is so funny to read about the fears people had back then > some people believed that if you traveled constantly in a train that moved more than 30 km per hour, you could create permanent brain damage or would go insane.....(today: "we" travel at 3 Mach!)......another fear was related to the steam machines and even our smart Russell shared some of those fears.....well history tells us that they where changing into the Industrial Revolution, new machines, new Energy sources......WE are changing RIGHT NOW, before your eyes into a new era, new Energy sources, new technologies.....I work with a engineering lab that works on some of those new, renewable energy sources and it is very exciting to see a new chapter of history unfold......the future Edisons are being made right now, and the Einsteins that will be remembered by our sons and grandsons. it is the same story, repeated over and over again......changes > fears > doom and "end time" cults get started......I'm sick of this. Did you know that there exists some serious research work that shows that newspaper / media stories have no relationship with actual events on economic markets....they create stories as much as the GB pulls some out of they're asses! Big time stories sell well and also they play into some peoples interests (I'm actually not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but it is a fact that for many financial funds and/or banks it is just a strategic move to create some mass hysteria and or to distract the masses onto something else > if everybody becomes bullish and never hops out of the train, then how could a few become superrich? The financial markets can't just have everybody on board of the train to wealthy doesn't work that is a game, strategic and it is about fooling the masses.....panic makes rich! Fear, too.
......yes, sh*&^ happens, but if you really think about it, it isn't that bad! I know, I'm going here against the common "feel" and media stream, but I don't care!! I've had to go with the Watchtower stream for too long. Back to positive things. And I don't care anymore if the end is coming and in what form. If there is any interest in letting me know, than G-d can send me an email, I'm online most of the time.
So, if you don't have anything positive to contribute to humanity and society in general than SHUT the &%$F# UP!
THIS, my friends is KILLING the Watchtower Society....RIGHT NOW!
by RedPill2006 incanadian archaelogist zhichun jing, writing about the decline of the highly creative shang dynasty, said "...after a century the shang vitality slackened.
the initial diversity and creativity devolved into a dull sameness.
by the end we see that things like their pottery, architecture and artwork had become standardized and simplified.
Very good points from you all ! So it confirms that there is a decay, or should I say a "spiritual decadence"....that brought down the Roman Empire and other dictatorships. I have a work colleague from Iran (she doesn't support the regime and is non-religious, quite Western and modern) and she told me that people start they're own "little revolutions" - first in they're minds, it all starts from the inside....than they try to get for example forbidden Hollywood movies.....some hook secretly up to the Internet (wink, wink Watchtower...) and than start sharing ideas with friends, family members.....
.....THAT is the substance of disintegration, slow but sure enough> EROSION from within. Political Analysts said the same thing about the former Soviet Union > people had enough! You can only beat people so long.
There might be a "silent revolution" going on > in peoples minds!
At least that is what I personally suspect...
Assembly news
by lancelink inthis afternoon i went out to lunch with a few witnesses who were talking and talking about what .
a great district assembly program there is going to be this year.
they have not gone yet, but people from their old congregation which is up in northern wisconsin .
Good to know. I still have to go....
THIS, my friends is KILLING the Watchtower Society....RIGHT NOW!
by RedPill2006 incanadian archaelogist zhichun jing, writing about the decline of the highly creative shang dynasty, said "...after a century the shang vitality slackened.
the initial diversity and creativity devolved into a dull sameness.
by the end we see that things like their pottery, architecture and artwork had become standardized and simplified.
Jeremy> good points....very well said.
Another point is they think that becoming an Witness will help to loose your fears (fear of death, fear of hellfire) and instead they MULTIPLIED those fears by an exponential factor! Think about it:
Fear of loosing it before Armageddon, Fear of not pleasing Jehober, Fear of your own sins/thoughts, Fear of persecution, Fear, Fear, Fear......heck, when I was young I even feared to talk openly, since I was thaugth that the big, bad boy Satan can't read your mind but uses whatever you say/do against for a while I was a very sad kid, that barely talked, so S. couldn't hear me.....crazy, isn't it? They even fear dying before the big A, because otherwise you will ressurrect as a sexless drone that is condemned to plant tomatoes forever and read the WT magazines.....
.......I once visited a doctor, and she asked me what the matter was with our religion since amongst her patients, the highest rates of depressions where from Witnesses....she was a friendly lady, that I used to witness, and I could see that she was seriously concerned....