If you don't like it, unshackled, don't buy it. No one is being forced to buy it, nor is it even a requirement for a Catholic to use. It is just a tool; an electronic pencil and paper.
a confession app for your iphone is just absurd.
can humans get any nuttier?
but really...this is not a whole lot nuttier than confessing to a man dressed up in robes proclaiming to be your mediator between you and some supreme invisible being.. http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2011/02/08/technology-confession-app-catholic-church.html#socialcomments.
If you don't like it, unshackled, don't buy it. No one is being forced to buy it, nor is it even a requirement for a Catholic to use. It is just a tool; an electronic pencil and paper.
this set of scriptures pretty much demolishes "the holy spirit is only god's active force and is only personified throughout the bible" argument (as if the rest book of acts doesn't already).
these verses pretty much put the nail in the coffin of that argument :.
acts 10:19,20 - nwt.
That seems cold and legalistic to me, that these doctrines must be embraced along with love, faith and hope in Christ.
Christ himself denounced false teachings. Was he cold and legalistic, too?
Paul, James, John and Peter did the same in their letters. Were they cold and legalistic too?
You say Christians have done bad things. They have. This does not disprove the doctrines of Christianity.
It is no different in the Bible.
Does Judas' betrayal disprove Christ?
Did David's sin prove that YHWH wasn't God?
Did Peter's denial prove that Jesus wasn't Christ?
Did the divisions between the Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians in Acts prove Christianity wrong?
Did the bad kings and priests in the old Testament disprove the God of Israel?
The prophets wrote about the bad kings and priests of Israel, yet affirmed the truth about God that had been handed down to them from Abraham and Moses.
Why, if they believed in the God of Israel, did they do bad things? Because they were bad people.
It is no different different with Christians.
With that, I have to leave for the time being.
this set of scriptures pretty much demolishes "the holy spirit is only god's active force and is only personified throughout the bible" argument (as if the rest book of acts doesn't already).
these verses pretty much put the nail in the coffin of that argument :.
acts 10:19,20 - nwt.
But by your standards (which include acceptance and adherence to certain doctrines), then I cannot be a Christian - despite my love for and faith in Christ. Which is what you were saying of Shelby as well. (well actually her altogether, but since I don't accept those doctrines either, then I am included)
I don't doubt that you and Shelby love Christ and believe in him. I just think that what you believe about him is not Christian doctrine.
The Muslims believe in Jesus too, and they honor him as a great prophet.
The Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus too, and they honor him as the son of God.
Does that make them Christian?
If so, tell me why. If not, tell me why not.
this set of scriptures pretty much demolishes "the holy spirit is only god's active force and is only personified throughout the bible" argument (as if the rest book of acts doesn't already).
these verses pretty much put the nail in the coffin of that argument :.
acts 10:19,20 - nwt.
What you believe about Christ and what you believe about Christ's teachings are also important. Christ taught certain things, and he sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples to teach them the rest. To reject what they taught us is to reject the the one that taught them.
The trinity was not always taught,
The Trinity has always been taught.
The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is God. It also clearly teaches that the Holy Spirit is God. Everyone agrees the Father is God.
Yet it also says there is only one God.
How can we hold all four truths except by saying all three are somehow the one God?
The Trinity has always been taught, however, the Trinity has not always been defined.
The language of the Trinity--language that describes how all three were the one God, was only developed when disagreements arose among Christians.
If it was otherwise (that the Trinity is not a Christian doctrine), why would the JWs have to resort to so much dishonesty in their anti-Trinitarian pamphlet?
this set of scriptures pretty much demolishes "the holy spirit is only god's active force and is only personified throughout the bible" argument (as if the rest book of acts doesn't already).
these verses pretty much put the nail in the coffin of that argument :.
acts 10:19,20 - nwt.
It is not an issue of authority, it is an issue of personal judgement.
The Jehovah's Witnesses can call themselves Christian, but they don't hold basic Christian beliefs. For this reason, I don't think they are Christian, despite the fact that if you ask any sincere Jehovah's Witness if he is a follower of Christ, he/she will vehemently, with all his/her heart, affirm it.
Does this make me a bad person?
Like everybody else, I make my own judgements about what is correct or incorrect. I judge the Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian because of their doctrines, and for this reason, I leave. I don't doubt that you probably reached a similar conclusion.
Christianity has always taught that the soul is immortal. It has always taught that the souls of those that reject God reside in a place called hell in English. These are core Christian doctrines that have been handed down from the Apostles to this very day.
These are basic Christian teachings. I don't think you are Christian if you don't believe them. You hold to some-do-it-yourself religion that loosely maps to Christianity, but like the Jehovah's Witnesses, it isn't Christianity itself.
All of the major denominations, whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant, are Christian. Why? They teach the basic Christian doctrines.
This is my feeling on the matter.
this set of scriptures pretty much demolishes "the holy spirit is only god's active force and is only personified throughout the bible" argument (as if the rest book of acts doesn't already).
these verses pretty much put the nail in the coffin of that argument :.
acts 10:19,20 - nwt.
At one time 99% of the world's "christians" believed.....
None of these things you list are Christian doctrines.
Christ is recorded to have said, however, "Go in through the narrow gate"... not "through what 'christianity' believes."
Christ also is recorded to have said he founded a church, and that the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. The Apostles wrote that the church was Christ's body. How can you reject the body, and be a Christian?
None of the Christian Scriptures were written to isolated individuals, they were written to the church.
Hmmmmm... what to do, what to do... Well, I guess since I don't ascribe to "christianity", per se, that isn't going to worry me at all...
Then, from your own admission, I think you aren't a Christian. Jehovah's Witnesses aren't either, although they use the title.
Don't get me wrong, you are free to believe whatever you like, but I am free to label those beliefs as Christian or not, too.
this set of scriptures pretty much demolishes "the holy spirit is only god's active force and is only personified throughout the bible" argument (as if the rest book of acts doesn't already).
these verses pretty much put the nail in the coffin of that argument :.
acts 10:19,20 - nwt.
PSac, your last comment seems muddled.
This is not the Trinity doctrine:
The truth is, Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, which makes him God ( in nature not in persona).
If you believe in the Trinity, God is not a persona. God is three personas. All three are personas are one God.
this set of scriptures pretty much demolishes "the holy spirit is only god's active force and is only personified throughout the bible" argument (as if the rest book of acts doesn't already).
these verses pretty much put the nail in the coffin of that argument :.
acts 10:19,20 - nwt.
This is true. No one should be listening to me. Shouldn't be listening to the Catholic Church, either... or any religious "church" or institution for that matter... anything other than the Holy Spirit, but...
Well, what if the Holy Spirit tells me to? Geez!
However, the truth is the truth... and this is really the ONLY thing they have right (well, they may have one or two others, but they're minute).
Not really, this is the truth according to AGuest. 99% of the world's Christians do not agree with AGuest. The Trinity is a core doctrine of Christianity. If you are going to contradict what Christianity has taught for nearly two milleniums, whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant, with a different doctrine, and expect me to change my mind, you'd better start turning water into wine.
after i had children, i changed gradually in the way i thought about the religion i was raised in.
one day, it dawned on me that if my child was injured in an accident and needed blood to survive, there was no way in the world i would say "no" to a blood transfusion.
why continue the charade?
Having children enabled me to stop being a JW.
I was willing to put up with the crap myself, but no way in hell was I going to allow it for my kids.
it's sad that someone is thinking bout that because of fear of being cast out by family.
i don't know this person, but a mutual aquaintence who knows i was a jw told me.
i'm going to try to relay info to help them.
What is this with you seeing Hillary_Step in every new poster!
That desperate desire comes from lacking the intelligence to argue her points on her own.