So. How do you think the world's going to change in the next, say, 50 years?
All infectious diseases will have cures.
All cancers will have cures.
All genetic diseases will have cures.
Short of a catastrophic brain injury which "wipes out memory", all tissue damage will be reparable.
We will solve the problem of human aging: by 2050 we will have the technology to live as long as we choose to.
There will be human beings that will use these biotechnologies to redesign their own bodies. There will be transhumans in 2050.
The above technologies will allow us to bring back extinct species, if we choose to.
The technologies that enable the above will also enable a new green revolution, which is right now in its early stages. If there is hunger in parts of the world, it won't be because there is not enough food to go around.
We will have practical, real world, artificial intelligence approaching or exceeding current human intelligence.
We will have nuclear fusion.
Nanotechnology will make most of the resource constraints of today obsolete. With precise atomic manipulation, we will be able to substitute scarce elements with common ones in many products.
The synergy of these things, and many others, means that we will have other things we can barely even imagine or predict today.
There will major social changes resulting from these advances, particularly life extension, and AI.
Society revolves around the inevitability of death. If death becomes rare, it will cause major upheavals in how human society functions.
AI and transhumanism will make us question what being human means.
However, life will be far better in 2050. Don't fear the future.