Can you provide the link for us. Your post the page is narrower than the page is wide so I have to move my cursor on every line I read. Very aggravating
JoinedPosts by skyking
Watchtower as a United Nations NGO - new article
by jwfacts inthere are a number of great articles on the un association, and it has been covered here extensively, but i notice newbies asking about the watchtower/un association and so have posted a comprehensive article at
particularly interesting is the 1991 application form, as it shows that in 1991 the watchtower agreed to lodging annual reports in order to keep their status.
I have been there. The State of Washington took legal action against me for refusing by baby girl a transfusion. Thank God for the courts at least when it comes to giving minor children blood. I do not know what I would of done if I had killed my girl and then find out later it was not in the bible.
Astronaut charged with attempted murder
by Gerard in
astronaut to face attempted murder charge.
posted: 12:25 p.m. est, february 6, 2007 story highlights new: judge grants bail; planned attempted murder charge prevents release.
'THE DAWKINS DELUSION' New book responds to Dawkins 'The God Delusion'
by nicolaou inin the wake of richard dawkins bestseller 'the god delusion' (which i and many others here have read) there has been a good deal of rebuttal from the 'faith' community.
now a new book is out published by alister mcgrath, professor of theology at oxford university.
it is entitled 'the dawkins delusion'.. has anyone read it or ordered it yet?
See time is passing by a little faster now.
'THE DAWKINS DELUSION' New book responds to Dawkins 'The God Delusion'
by nicolaou inin the wake of richard dawkins bestseller 'the god delusion' (which i and many others here have read) there has been a good deal of rebuttal from the 'faith' community.
now a new book is out published by alister mcgrath, professor of theology at oxford university.
it is entitled 'the dawkins delusion'.. has anyone read it or ordered it yet?
Please tetra respond to lilly I am bored I have 3 hours to kick off. Go Colts!!!
Homeschooling . Are you for or against?
by becca1 injust want to take a poll.
no need for explinations, just for or against.. me- against..
Very much against it. Many here home school, most all are social ignorant people.
'THE DAWKINS DELUSION' New book responds to Dawkins 'The God Delusion'
by nicolaou inin the wake of richard dawkins bestseller 'the god delusion' (which i and many others here have read) there has been a good deal of rebuttal from the 'faith' community.
now a new book is out published by alister mcgrath, professor of theology at oxford university.
it is entitled 'the dawkins delusion'.. has anyone read it or ordered it yet?
As a few posters remember I had a heated discussion about this book. I said about the same thing as the above article does that Dawkins has made himself God. I believe in evolution and I am ashamed of Richard Dawkins line of thinking in this book. He does the same thing as he is slamming the religionist of doing. I will never look up to the man again. I feel just as the above article like Michael Ruse commented here is the quot.
Michael Ruse, who describes himself as a 'hardline Darwinian' philosopher, confessed that The God Delusion made him 'embarrassed to be an atheist'.
I am glad to see other people that saw the book the same as I.
Stupid Americans
by Mackin inwatch this and weep.. .
edit: for the benefit of americans, the interviewer is not john howard, the austrailan prime minister.
:-) .
Watched weeks ago laughed the first time.
But I'll bet y our country is just as clueless
Truth about 666, the beast and the seal of beast
by nickols_k inpeace to you!.
i've published the article: .
this material makes understanding of revelation more clear and will help to be saved for many many people and will help to avoid terrible plagues for many other people!
Hay just to mention the mark is not 666 but 616, The mark 666 is a mistranslation
If I was to walk into your home . . .
by Lady Lee inwhat one thing would i see that would tell me the most about you?.
the center of my home is my computer and my books.
standing at the door that is the first thing you will see.
If you walked into my home you would be greeted by love and real hospitality. Your home is modest with no lavish fixtures as some people on this board have mentioned they would not like seeing, we have dear antlers on the walls of our home. Also animal prints adorn our walls. Outside our home you would see geese, chickens, cows, horses and all manor farm life. We would try to get you to stay for dinner and my wife would get the guitar out and play for you making you stay enjoyable
Our home is never locked but my valuables are locked in my safe. We believe in treating everyone that has no ill content towards us as family.