EDIT: For the benefit of Americans, the interviewer is NOT John Howard, the Austrailan Prime Minister. :-)
Stupid Americans
by Mackin 61 Replies latest jw friends
This is nothing new, Jay Leno (he's a late night american tv talk host) does something quite similiar on his show.
I'm quite sure you'd get the same results in your country.
Rick Mercer did the same thing on the CBC, it was a segment on "This Hour has 22 Minutes" called "Talking to Americans." He actually got George Bush during the 2000 election campaign to talk about how he was going to work with Canadian Prime Minister Tim Horton. I believe it's in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seYUbVa7L7w
Most of those were the republicans that voted for George Bush. 51%. What do you expect. If 51% of the people in the USA were smart you would never have heard of George Bush.
I like Australia from what I've heard of it I wouldnt mind living there. I knew the answers to most of the questions the interviewer was asking but I have never heard of John Howard. I couldnt tell you the names of any australian politicians ever. Most of the people in Australia live by the coast. In America they live everywhere. Americans probaly now the name of some of the world leaders. Australia is not a world leader. The only world leader I can think of would be George Bush. What other country leads the world? People dont learn to speak Russian and move to Russia. People dont learn to speak chineese or Japanese and move to those countrys. America is where it is at. We are inundated with immigrants looking to live the good life. Everyplace else might be a vacation spot or a retirement home. I dont mean to insult you but what has Australlia given to the world besides Crockadile Dundee? Outback steakhouses originated in Tampa Florida here. For a while there you even belonged to a stupid American religion. You should have been doing walkabouts with the aboriginees.
@JB | If you notice in the video I put up too, you'd see the Gore supporters are just as ignorant. Of course, what you fail to realize that it is not one's political leanings which are correlated to intelligence, but rather it's the fact that these types of shows ask tonnes of people and choose out the really dumb ones.
I've found a youtube video showing stupid Australians - I guess stupid people are everywhere.
Americans are insular not stupid
Americans are insular not stupid
Thank you, Stilla.
I guess citizens of other countries think that all Americans are fat and stupid because they've watched the Jerry Springer Show. Imagine my surprise and aggravation the first time I walked into a pub in Wales and saw all the locals watching Springer.
Making blanket statements about other nationalities or ethnic groups is a clear sign of stupidity.
LOL!!! That was tooooooo funny!