Good morning world I see this thread is still going and the emotions are still high. Each year I attend College classes for about two weeks in the spring for the job I have. One of the classes dealt with the Holocaust. Which did happen history is clear on this but with this said there are anomalies that can not be ignored, they deserve an answered. Like why documents from The Allies report that the Allies built Gas Chambers after the War. The documents are real.
Why photos taken during the war do not show the tall Smoke stacks of the Gas Chambers. At this conference we were shown copies of the documents that prove the Allies built the Chambers after the War that we see today. I have looked at my notes from that conference and one point of interest is what a former Director while being interviewed on film said. He said the famous grainy video's that shows people dieing in the chambers was not real but was a propaganda stunt produced by the Russian's Government after the war. This former Directors name is Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz Museum one needs to ask why he said this, was he lying? Also discussed was a Red cross report done after the war that stated not only did they not find proof of the Gas Chambers but other anomolies.
...Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the AuschwitzState Museum admitted on camera that ‘Krema 1,’ the alleged ‘homicidal... - 55k - Jan 29, 2007 - |
It took me over an hour this morning to find an article about the Red Cross report but here is a link. Remember this is from the RED CROSS The report says right after the war the RED CROSS Found no Gas Chambers. This adds wieght to the claims. The Red Cross is the very institution that would scream the loudest about the Chambers but they found no proof of them? Was the Red Cross Lying? I do not know but people should be able to discuss it without name calling.
Millions of Jews were killed in the concentration camps and the Nazi's were killing the Jews because they were Jew is this not a bad enough? Why can't people look at the anomalies and discuss them without people getting nasty? Shame on you everyone of you that have gotten nasty in your post.
I was not there all I want is to do is look at the facts and find out why these anomalies exist. I should have this right without people being rude too me.
Last night I said I would post again I lied. Off to work I go. Have a good day