Or relatively harmless?
Holocaust denial, do you think it's serious?
by avishai 50 Replies latest jw friends
uh, ya, it's serious.
it's not the only historical denial i find serious. but ya.
Merry Magdalene
Which holocaust?
I think denial of any and all holocausts, past or present, is serious. I also think denying people the right of open questioning and debate as to the specifics of any and all holocausts is serious. Neither is harmless.
Do I think it's serious... Umm.... y-y-e-s-s-s!!!!
How serious is a WTB&TS abuses denier?
Yeah, all of them.
For instance, although i don't think there's much denial in this country, the genocide perpetrated on millions of chinese and korean people by Japan leading up too and during the years of WWII are definitely really discussed here in the US and actively covered up in Japan. The massacre of Armenians by the turks early in this century continues to be denied by Turkey.
So, no, I'm not just talking about the Nazi holocaust, perpetrated on not just Jews, but gypsies, homosexuals and religious and political prisoners.
Good point, j-ex-w!!
Merry Magdalene
What amazes me is that there are so many...and the perpetrators think it's ok and that they can get away with it...and, more amazing, usually do for far too long
Anytime there is a group of people willing to suppress information and history, there is a danger. It will more serious in about 20 years, when there will be no chance of a holocaust survivor being alive.
One of their leading proponents, I think it was that guy that got into all the trouble in Europe there a while ago, reasoned that when you compared the meticulous records that the nazis kept of how much coal was brought into the prison camps vs. how many people historians say died there, that you have a vast shortage in the amount of fuel that it would have taken to burn all those bodies. But then it was exposed that his math was based on the ovens being completely cooled down and re-heated for each individual body that was incinerated.
After seeing that one of their crowning "proofs" was a bald-faced lie that was so easily uncovered, I have never felt a need to look any further into holocaust denier claims. It's as if some people are motivated not by a search for truth but by a strange hatred that manifests itself in a need to infuriate others with unblinking dishonesty and obstinancy. The "troll" spirit I guess. But the hatred of a troll can run so deep and be so persistent that I can see where it could end up altering the historical record, and that is dangerous.
eh, but what do i know..
I think it's pretty serious.
It's just like any problem... the first step to fixing a problem is admitting there *is* one. We will never be able to start getting past these social issues both individually and world wide until it's acknowledged, accepted, and embraced as an issue. Like I tell my kids... Putting your head in the sand will only get you dirt in your ears...
Ok, that's hokey, but I'm sure you understand the point. :)
As far as people denying the Jewish holocaust? I can't even wrap my brain around that one. Again... there is a great lesson to be learned from these events, if only people remember and accept the truth about it. History class isn't just for sleeping anymore, you actually might learn something about yourself through the stories of others...