I very much appreciate all the comments and advice so far. Knowing my Ex, just saying "no" is not going to cut it. I've gathering a list of questions and points for her to answer even before I will give my opinion on this. This is what I have come up with so far:
1. What are your motivations for home-schooling her?
a. While they may have certain days dedicated to the “holidays” in the lower grades at school, She will soon be moving into Middle School and the number of these days will decrease as she gets higher in her education.
2. Do you think isolating a child from problems is really the best way for them to learn how to handle them?
a. Did you keep her away from everyone when she was a baby in order for her to not get sick, or did we take her out so she was exposed and developed a better immune system?
b. Do you think keeping her isolated from things will in the long run will help her, or could it possibly backfire?
3. What are her thoughts and feelings on the issue?
a. She currently loves school. She is always talking about her teachers and her fellow students.
b. Pulling her out of school could stunt her love of learning, have you thought about that and discussed what this would mean for her. And I’m talking about listening to her and her feelings and not just coercing your views into her.
4. What program are you going to be using for home-schooling?
5. Are you capable of dedicating the time that home-schooling requires?
a. Do you think you are capable of properly teaching her, working enough to be able to provide for her, and do all this without becoming so stressed that it affects her home life?
6. Do you know what is expected in all subjects at all grade levels, and do you think you can properly teach her these?
7. What are your plans and schedule?
a. Children need structure.
8. How will you be able to teach her when she gets into areas that you have hard time understanding?
9. Do you know what the state law requires for home-schooling?
10. How are you going to teach her in the required areas? :
a. Language Arts
b. Social Studies
c. Math
i. Are you seriously going to be able to help her with questions in Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry?
d. Fine Arts
i. Schools take field trips to Museums, Art Galleries, etc. Are you going to be doing that?
e. Physical Science
i. How are you going to be able to teach science properly without hands on equipment that it takes to properly explain many of the areas of science?
ii. Are you going to be able to provide her with demonstrations, models, and experiments?
f. Physical Education
i. Are you planning on enrolling her in gymnastics, swimming or dance?
g. Health
11. Do you realize that she may be required to take and pass the standardized tests and score appropriately for her age group or she may have to repeat grades, if she wants/needs to go back to public school ?
12. Have you considered how hard a re-adjustment it would be for her to go back in to the public school system once she has been out for a period of time?
Do you have any other thoughts or things to add to this.