I confessed to an elder of something I did and it so happened to be on a meeting night that I did wrong and the elders response was "well if you were at meeting that wouldn’t have happened see how it is a protection for us."
JoinedPosts by somegirl
oh, i'm a pioneer and jehovah gave me $10 for gas
by monophonic ini'm drawing a huge blank..
there was a thread here a while back on the bogus experiences at the assemblies about how jehovah stepped in just when a pioneer has $0, and oh, boy, were we blessed.......yet whenver bad things happen, even when praying for help, like someone gets killed, the 'we put in 75 hours of service and jehovah fed us' theory turns idiotic..
anyone remember that thread...or wanna give me some word power over those pathetic experiences....just got one via email from a relative and really want to throw back a doozy to make him think..
Looking for anyone from the Ardmore, Oklahoma area.
by sooner7nc inhi,i'm looking for anybody that was in the ardmore area from the mid 70's to the mid 90's.sooner7nc
i agree, a very funny exprience. mustang, union city was in our territory also. a dog chased me in union city, the house had no tresspasing sign in the window I made a big deal about it and they told me since it was in the window of the house we should still go so I get up to the front pourch and this huge dog comes around the corner and I didnt know what to do and it was tied up so I thought I could out run him and he would be stopped but I didnt make it got me right in the butt! this was my first year in the regular pioneer service.
Looking for anyone from the Ardmore, Oklahoma area.
by sooner7nc inhi,i'm looking for anybody that was in the ardmore area from the mid 70's to the mid 90's.sooner7nc
i live in okc, and grew up in a smaller town about 20min from okc
What are Strangest Grounds For Disfellowshiping You Have Heard Of?
by new boy inin 1961 my father was disfellowshipped for not doing to the kingdom hall he was assigned to.. if i'm lying...my dying!.
it was the glendora california congeration.
the committee was.. john smoley.
I knew one girl who slept over at a guys house and nothing happened but the elders didnt believe her and was going to df her so since she was going to get dfed anyway for something she didn't do she went ahead and did it, winded up pregnant and still dfed.
Dumber than Dirt ?
by JH inhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2007/10/24/notes102407.dtl&feed=rss.mmorford.
american kids, dumber than dirtwarning: the next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in u.s. historyby mark morford, sf gate columnist.
wednesday, october 24, 2007. .
Spell & grammer check, calculators computers technology all play a part in making things easier but it also makes it to were you don’t have to think for yourself.
When Elders go too Far...
by BigBloomerz inthis is just something that really peed me off regarding the elders, is how low they are sinking to get gossip and stuff now, i was in contact with a well trusted friend of mine who used to attend meetings up until 2 years ago, his wife is still in the jw org, he was having a joke around on some text messages with me regarding my man saying "try before you buy" and so on, which i found amusing....lets just say his wife didnt...she snooped on his phone, wrote out the texts he had sent me and gave the transcript to the elders, and now he has to go before a judicial commitee.
how wrong is that, for a start its an invasion of privacy!
i was fuming yesterday when i found out.
sounds to me like she's just looking for a way out of the marriage. i know of one women who called the elders while her and her husband were fighting just to prove that he was trying to hit her because she wanted out.
pioneer for 20 yrs and doubting
by NvrKssdNObutt ini got a phone call from a pioneer sis this morning.
she quit talking to me in aug when i renounced the wt.
she just called to see "how i am doin".
I talked about one. I didn't get df'd for that but I did get talked to by an elder about it and how it was wrong!!
by chuckyy inwhilst a jw, one thing that was evident to me was the constant gossip and backbiting.....being nice to someones face and then talking about them behind there backs.were you ever a "victim" of this sort of behaviour???
is it as common as i suspect from cong.
to cong???.
my husband I have been away from one cong. for a couple of years now and he went to a bachlor party last week and showed a picture of me and our son to some one from that old cong. and he asked when we had gotton back together. and my husband gave him this odd look of what? we've been married for almost 4 years now.
Need advice from elders, former elders and anyone else for that matter.....
by nonamegiven inok, i've been df'd for 5 months or so now and i'm getting ready to write a letter requesting reinstatment.
i'm assuming something like "i know jah has already forgiven me so now i"m asking you imperfect sinners to forgive me my sins and give me my life back please".
wouldn't work.
I had to write two letters before they reinstated me. I wanted to write what you said you wanted to write also. admitting wrong and that you've made changes in your life that will prevent doing wrong again is a start. but for some reason I had this feeling that the elders had already made up there minds before the letter and before you meet with them, to how long your going to be dfed. 1 year 1 month thats how long I was dfed and I made meetings and I changed my life around, after I got reinstated I went back for a little while but after that I was done. Now I'm inactive. I just cant get it out of my head that a child molster was only dfed for 6 monthes and I got the sentence of a whole year. I hope for the best for you. I dont have any other suggestions for now.
by theyoungone in6 months ago i was d'fd and i am right now confused as to what i want to do cuse i can put my letter in for reinstatement now but i just dont know if that would be the best desicion for me.
one side of me says go back to the jw org and do all that i can in the org so that i can make it to the paradise.
but then one side says just do what u want to do til u die.
if your still living at home and want out of being a jw, move out as soon as possible.
thanks for the welcome, nice to meet you.