One more goofy prediction- Randy Watters does some silly video outside of WT buildings in NY on a slow-news day. CNN drives by and asks what's going on. Randy tell them it's about the United Nations Story, and CNN tells the big story, which is picked up by other news agencies. At first, the story is largely ignored, but then some unstable fringe-Witness carries out a bomb-plot at the UN, somewhat successfully, to show the world that Jehovah doesn't approve of them- and people start looking at the WTS. There is a replay of the story about JWs hatred for the UN, but really they are involved with them. People in the WTS and people outside the WTS both see the hypocrisy. To be safe from public backlash, Disassociation letter pour in from rank-and-file. The Governing Body issues a press release that is neither pro-UN or anti-UN, which further agitates both sides. More DA letters. The faithful pioneers find it impossible to preach without questions being fired at them about their love and hatred for the UN. Their answers only make the public even more mad- many stop pioneering. In most countries, people are afraid to admit they are JW, preaching comes to a virtual stop, and bible studies are at their lowest point ever (mostly just JWs children studying).
WTS tries sweeping policy changes and doctrinal adjustments to save the organization. Nothing really works, so they continue to make changes until the WTS becomes JUST ANOTHER MAINSTREAM RELIGION.