There's a list of publications on their website but it refers those interested in obtaining them to their local KH's. Don't think I'm going there.
JoinedPosts by girasole
OOPS, I hit enter before I'd written anything...
Anyway, does anyone know where I might find WT publications online? I am particularly interested in most recent Creation/Evolution book. I threw away or destroyed all my WT books and now I wish that I'd kept that one, the daniel book, and the revelations book just to scrutinize/compare.
girasole -
How much influence did the internet have on you leaving the organization?
by The wanderer inuntitled document <!-- .style1 {font-family: verdana} .style2 {font-family: verdana; font-style: italic; } --> discoveries about the organization on the internet admittedly, had it not been for the internet, and all of the dis-.
coveries that were found on it; i would still be one of jehovah's .
The internet, while not the source of my doubts, was huge for me too. I remember the night I finally got up the courage to look into the great unknown. It was shortly after a circuit assembly where the CO had given a talk and mentioned the internet. I remember him saying that if you clicked on one of these sights, "YOUR FAITH WILL BE SHAKEN!" He was practically yelling by that point. \
And he was right my faith was shaken. Thankfully by that point I had sense enough not to go running to the elders which is the counsel that was given for anyone who even so much as had curiousity about the sites.
It was a meeting night that night and I was 10 minutes late because of reading Timothy Campbell's site (mentioned earlier in this thread). I faked a headache and skipped out on the "association" that night and went straight home to read more.
The witnesses use the same tactic there as for the indoctrination process by telling people what they will feel when they do something so that when/if they do it, they will feel just like the org says they will and it will only serve to keep them in the org anywayand reinforce that "they're right."
The speaker said that if one started reading those sights they would likely become "addictive" and their faith will be broken. He was right about that too.
It is examples like these that make it so hard for anyone to ever leave - and for most to even reason with themselves. THOUGHT CONTROL!
girasole -
Anyone know the answer?
by Woofer ini have been d/f for about 10 years now so i don't get to read anymore publications or keep up on any changes.
but here is my question and little background.. i work with a d/f girl and her sister was d/f as well about a month ago.
the girls sister and her husband were inactive for 5+ years.
In the congregation that I used to belong to there was a woman who was inactive for over 10 years and not long after she started coming back to meetings (about the time that she was going to rejoin the TMS) she was reproved - this was after she met with the elders to reassess her spiritual condition. From what I understood the thought was that if they did not discipline her then it would set a "bad example" for the rest of the congregation - lest anyone think that they could follow in her footsteps and get away with it.
Anyone from Virginia?
by girasole inis there anyone here from virginia or central/western north carolina?
just wondering... .
i'm from a small town in virginia.
Is there anyone here from Virginia or central/western North Carolina? Just wondering...
I'm from a small town in Virginia.
girasole -
Forbidden interests?
by girasole inwhat interests you now that you can think about, study, explore, and delve into anything that you'd like?
did you embrace this freedom immediately or did it take a while?
i left the borg in 2002 and at first i buried myself in books about philosophies and such that i'd never before been allowed or allowed myself to consider.
What interests you now that you can think about, study, explore, and delve into anything that you'd like?
Did you embrace this freedom immediately or did it take a while?
I left the borg in 2002 and at first I buried myself in books about philosophies and such that I'd never before been allowed or allowed myself to consider. Shortly thereafter, I became overwhelmed. There were so many different ideas, so many perspectives that it was a bit daunting and immobilizing. I went through a period of incubation - a time when I enjoyed simply "being" without the witness lifestyle and constraints. I had gone through, as most of you also have, a period of extreme stress and I needed to just de-escalate from all of that. After a while, I regained my mental energy and felt ready to continue my exploration.
Here are a few things I've either started researching or would like to research
1)History of Religion - ancient origins and pagan correlations
2)Psychology of Religion
4)Political issues - I enjoy keeping up with what's in the news and actually being able to form my own opinion without having to simply write everything off as unimportant becase "god will take care of it" in due time
Authors I'm either reading or are currently on my list
Daniel Dennett
Pascal Boyer
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
David Mills
What's on your list?
girasole -
by sarahbear76 inso i just registered and i thought i should say something about myself instead of just lurking about.
i'm 21 years old and i left the the jw's when i was 18. i was born into the religion so it's been really hard getting use to things.
my story is pretty complicated and for some safety reasons i can't say to much.
Welcome Sarah!
Thank you for your post and sharing a piece of your story. Look forward to hearing more.
Girasole -
by Gill inthe doomsday code.
this is on in the uk tonight on channel four at 7 pm.. this is the write up on it in the radio times:.
'st john's apocalyptic vision of the end of the world in the book of revelation is one of the bible's best known passages, inspiring morbid fascination in many cultures.
I'd really like to hear more! I'm checking out channel 4 to see if there's a way to download it. I wish that they'd broadcast that program in the US - but somehow I doubt they will.
girasole -
WT book that instructs members how to lie in court..Is there such a thing?
by whyizit ini seem to remember something about a wts book that is used to instruct member on how to lie in custody battles, etc.... .
do any of you know what i am talking about?.
i would like more information on this, if it does indeed exist.
Has anyone ever presented this to a lawyer or judge? It doesn't seem legal give masses of people with individual circumstances and situations generalized responses to questions that would be asked in a courtroom. Seems to me like this would be equal to saying - no, you can't be honest, just say what we've told you to say - wouldn't a judge see that as an obstruction?
The fact that they even have to give members something of that nature is just sad - it's like saying "we can't trust you sorry suckers to be honest lest you defame the name of the organization!"
And if you have to TELL PEOPLE that they need to let others know that their ideas are a result of their own thinking - then their ideas are obviously NOT THEIR OWN THINKING!! I mean, come on.