Hi there folks... just cruised by to see what was going on (I've been out of the Watchtower for 16 years btw).
I wouldn't have believed that 9/11 was an inside job myself until I began studying 2 years ago. There are too many unanswered questions surrounding the whole event and a lot of evidence IMO including (off the top of my head):
1. Warnings given to officials before the day to clear out of the area.
2. The fire service being put on alert the day before (apparently).
3. Documents (on the record) saying that the US needed another "Pearl Harbour" event, presumably to mobilize the nation behind a war effort in the East.
4. Eye witness (or ear witness ) accounts on the day of large explosions in the basement area of one building before a plane struck - what the hell were those about?
5. Some of the guys (terrorists) who were supposed to have been on the planes as reported by the national media, were said to be alive after the event?
6. The fact that jet fuel will not reach the temperature necessary to melt the steel structure inside the towers and that the towers were built to withstand a collision by a large aircraft.
7. The fact that Larry Silverstein (the rich sod who owns most of the site) made a big heap of money out of the event and even 'pulled' building 7 after the event to maximize profits. It doesn't take Einstein to work that one out and see a trail of dirty money!
8. The fact that the Bushes & the Bin Ladens (do your homework) have historical links and joint business ventures and have been shielded by the US administration for years - another trail of dirty money.
I'll shut up - I could go on...
Another point to consider is this - Most of our world leaders, heads of the police force/military, industrial & media moguls are members of, or have ties with, fraternaties and orders. So it is true to say that there are many people working along side these ones without priviledged access to the inner sanctum of knowlegde and they haven't got a clue as to what is going on or what is about to take place. These ones, civil servants and the like, just follow orders and are 'yes men'.
Within the secret services - MI5/CIA/MOSAD etc there is a written and unwritten code of conduct. If you blow the whistle, there are consequences for that action. Would you tell tales when under oath if you or your family were likely to be got at? .... and if you don't believe this goes on and people are silenced for speaking out - go take a read of the Dr David Kelly debacle in the UK. MI5 (most likely) arranged his death.
These secret services do the bidding of their masters - the guys with the dirty money.
Anyway, just a few thoughts.