I guess since leaving the Witnesses, I have become willing to listen to more things. Mainly because I learned in life, that if the religion you were raised to live and die for is wrong, and deceptive, then couldn't that be said of government and science? So with this in mind, of the ones I am going to list below. How likely are you to consider any of these as having merit?
Was Kennedy really killed by a lone gun man?
People say Johnson was involved. If you look at the tapes of the murder, Kennedy seems to react in the wrong direction for the gun shot. Etc.
Did man ever make it to the moon?
Why have we not returned, and almost seem unable to return? Why does the footage of several locations, seem to show the same back drop and sky-line? Why does the footage, when sped up, look like a normal person walking. Etc.
Does the government cover up alien life?
If there is no alien life, why does the government spend so much time trying to debunk the idea? Why did science and technology advance by such large leaps and bounds, right after the suppose Roswell crash?
I am not saying I buy into all these, and many of the thoughts presented in some of the conspiracies have been shown to be false and wrong. Yet not all of them, and some seem likely to be something that the government would want to cover up for security reasons. What do you think, do you ask more questions now and accept things a little less at face value? Personally, I remember a time in my life, when I was told that all those people who said the Jehovah's Witnesses were a cult were uninformed and liars. Was that true? What else isn't?