I also heard that O.B.L. was with the CIA. I am not surprised at anything I hear. While I do agree that governments have agendas, I cannot agree with your statement about a "phantom" Islamic terrorist network. I have seen the hostility and know it exists. It is no phantom.
'Islamic Terrorism' does exist, but not to the degree that they would have us believe. Especially within the western world. If you saw the amount of Muslims who live around here, you would half expect a bomb to be going off at every council house throughout the city if you read certain tabloids.
At a recent peace rally I attended, a man from the UK was running up and down the parade waving a SUN newspaper at us, yelling "you are the real trouble makes, you are the terrorists" ... that said it all really. A dumbed down nation, with people who just go along with whatever the media have to say.
Thanks for the thoughts concerning "looks" - I don't mind really, as I've been called all sorts over the years, its like water off a ducks back.