My, my, beardo. You certainly come up with some compelling arguments.
Yes Alan - quite the argument wasn't it. But Satan himself could appear in your room and you'd probably stick a 'Gauss meter' up his arse
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personal and more than likely good reasons.
and after reading the .
My, my, beardo. You certainly come up with some compelling arguments.
Yes Alan - quite the argument wasn't it. But Satan himself could appear in your room and you'd probably stick a 'Gauss meter' up his arse
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personal and more than likely good reasons.
and after reading the .
But were you to have some kind of corroborating data, photos, video, etc. then the matter could be investigated. On the basis of your description it could be anything from ball lightning to misperceiving airplane foglights to UFOs, so more evidence is needed to begin to narrow down the possibilities.
@ skeptic2
The evidence is there - you aren't looking hard enough. We have the library of Alexandria at our fingertips - there are no longer any excuses.
There is NO WAY what my friends saw were either ball lightening or foglights
"corroborating data"
As I said - there are 'many' people who have witnessed similar forms - or are we to discount every testimony as the babbling of madmen?
I will be back later when I have dug out my Colin Wilson book and scanned in a few paragraphs to squash the ideas projected about his research.
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personal and more than likely good reasons.
and after reading the .
I'm completely with Dawkins on this. I'm in category 6 with respect to God, the supernatural in general, the paranormal, UFOs as conveyors of alien beings, and a lot more besides.
Yep - good approach ... a nice comfy ride to the grave - just wait for the rational mind to kick in and all will be ok.
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personal and more than likely good reasons.
and after reading the .
Do you mean to imply that seeing or experiencing something means that it must be real? I'm seen many things that are not real, that do not exist, seeing them does not make them exist, experiencing them does not make them real.
@ Skeptic2
What about feeling something tangible as well as seeing something - witnessed and experienced by more than one person on odd occasions?
That is the kind of event I'm talking about. Heat changes, movement of air, electric devices switching on and off, things moving involuntarily and actual apparitions?
Not some whacked out mushroom trip.
3 of my mates (the one autistic - just to ease the mind of the guys here who believe that people who witness odd events are clearly unbalanced one way or the other) saw a UFO three weeks ago. Also witnessed by other folk in the area. Three unsual lights suspended in midair, floating above a house, without a perceivable sound. Too low to be a plane or copter and no apparent mass beyond the orbs of light. This object has also been seen down south in the UK and after speaking to some guys on another forum, stateside as well. I'm not saying what it is or isn't, but I have enough faith in my mates to believe the tale I was told. No clear explanation. When reported on a local radio station, the DJ " took the piss " .... a typical close-minded response by one of the secular atheist "sheeple" ...
This cold rational response to reality has its limits.
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personal and more than likely good reasons.
and after reading the .
And if the paranormal refuses to perform on demand, say for James Randi or anyone similar, why does it seem to prefer to perform for the "not very tightly wrapped," as jaguarbass mentioned? Randi might be a clown, but he sure makes more sense than any of his counterparts! One of my favorite writers, Colin Wilson, made quite a study of this idea, and found only one case worthy of following up on.
Thats a whole heap of garbage.
First up - the guy I mentioned and his girlfriend are down to earth individuals and this guy in question who has had really odd encounters with what I would determine 'the supernatural' , is an atheist and a sceptic. He also manages to hold down a full time job and I have a hard time convincing him of anything beyond his 5 senses. Where this "not tightly wrapped" crap comes from is the product of a 'tightly closed off' imagination and the desire not to take a leap of faith.
As for Colin Wilson - thats not what I've read. I have two of his books where he has investigated many cases; concluding that indeed "there is something going on" beyond the 5 sense reality.
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personal and more than likely good reasons.
and after reading the .
As far as the paranormal "evidence" that you mention, James Randi has a $1 million offer to anyone who can reproduce these in a controlled environment. The offer has been around for years. NO ONE has even come close to winning it.
@ Seeker4
Sorry, but the supernatural world does not operate to entertain clowns like Randi. I know several people who have had bizarre and whacked-out encounters with what would appear to be otherworldly intelligences and whatever these things are, they will not perform upon command.
One guy's camera would mysteriously stop working when a ghostly figure repeatedly appeared in his living room for instance and I know this guy has had some quite unusual encounters in his time and his girlfriend will happily back up all of his accounts.
so for our "congregation book study", we are still deeply mired in the bible teach book.
this week's lesson talks about the whole idea that the book of job relates the central issue of the entire cosmos, a vital issue raised by satan, where satan questions whether humans follow god because of what they are given, or because he deserves it.
i'm surprised that the book of job, obviously archetypal and figurative (for example, i doubt people back then literally spoke for hours in hebrew verse, and i doubt that four messengers showed up all in a row with stories telling that they, only they, got away to tell of a disaster) even has a place in the canon; aside from its lack of any specific historical position or accuracy, the argument it advances (especially as the society interprets it) is facile: the idea that privileged, wealthy, powerful job somehow stands as a representative for all humanity and serves as a litmus test for man's interaction with god is downright silly.
All scriptures are from Jehovah to us, agreed?
Nope. Disagree.
muslims daily, in the arab world, call for the death to christians and the americans.
even looking at some muslim websites, you will see jesus shown to be evil and the christian faith to be a terrible group of people.
so with this, why does minor comments on them and cartoons about their founder make them so extreme?
Of course they should, but just look what happened to those nationals who opposed Stalin or Hitler or Saddam!
...and wait until the next wave of Neocon terrorism kicks in - those nice camps they have built will come in real handy.
muslims daily, in the arab world, call for the death to christians and the americans.
even looking at some muslim websites, you will see jesus shown to be evil and the christian faith to be a terrible group of people.
so with this, why does minor comments on them and cartoons about their founder make them so extreme?
It isn't the masses that are at fault, it's the nutty leaderships!
Very true, up to a point, but the masses help run the war machine and they should still take responsibility for their actions.
A man can ask you to jump off a cliff, but you don't have to.
muslims daily, in the arab world, call for the death to christians and the americans.
even looking at some muslim websites, you will see jesus shown to be evil and the christian faith to be a terrible group of people.
so with this, why does minor comments on them and cartoons about their founder make them so extreme?
Certainly in the past Christians had a similar ideology.
The psuedo - Christian ( illuminati ) still have those goals.
As do global Zionists, a branch of Zionism being radical Christians who believe in the outpouring of God's Kingdom through human agents. Not peace, but a literal sword. These are dangerous people.