We all use others information, even you Mr Toe - there truly is nothing new under the sun. How does my research differ to anybody elses here? I use books / websites and my own ability to sift the information and also direct contact with others who have experiences to share. Admittedly I have only crossed paths with 2 practising Masons and have knowledge of a 3rd through a friend. This particular Mason belongs to a Scottish lodge I believe, and is my friend's grandfather. Annoyingly, he won't talk in great depth about his beliefs to his Grandson and keeps the contents of his meetings hush hush.
I'm sure many Masons are well intentioned and good upstanding citizens within the community, so too Catholics, JWs, Muslims, (insert group here) - but the basic practise or premise of their belief system may still be false and helping in its own way to support the landowners and financial elite.
As for ' bothering my arse ' - I recently bought Manly .P. Halls "Secret Teachings" and am currently working my way through it. My knowledge is work in progress.
Whats rotten about the system? Are you joking. Take a good look at the news.
What Middle Ages are you referring to? If you are isolating your scope within Europe, then maybe so. England was known as the dirty man of Europe, for good reasons.
Lets go back thousands of years to the ancient far East cultures or even pre-Egypt and take a peek there. Places where folk were truly connected to the inner & outer worlds of reality. Not a stinking 'dark age' generated by the backwards thinking Christian Church.
I will say it again - check out that DVD series ' Magical Egypt ' - it is a real eye opener. If you want a copy and trust me not to turn up on your doorstep - send me a mailing address and I'll do the rest.