JoinedPosts by exwitless
Congrats on being Master of your own domain.
You're not the boss of me!
Let's make JW-friendly greeting cards...
by exwitless indid you ever think about the fact that when you were a dub, it was pointless to buy a box of all occasion greeting cards?
it annoyed the heck out of me, because you couldn't use the ones for birthdays or most of the sympathy cards (because they often said "lord" or "god" in them).
so what would a box of jw greeting cards contain?.
Come over to our house for dinner! Please bring a hot dish,
a salad, a dessert and your own place settings. We will
provide the drinks and a place to sit! Can't wait to see you!CoCo - this is so funny and so true to life!!!
Inspired or Guilted by the One-legged Pioneer Sister?
by compound complex infriends: guilted or inspired?.
one of our dear regular posters mentioned that she knew the same one-legged pioneer sister i had heard tell of throughout my career as a jehovah's witness.
the tear-jerking accounts of her ten exemplary, theocratic children, all of whom could recite the books of the bible before they could say dada, inspired me to teach my own children well, however late in their own adolescence it took them to come up with their own gurgly version of dada.
Does anyone actually know someone like the ones they always guilted us about? Is there really a one-legged, 10-children, 120 per month pioneer with 3 jobs out there? Were any of you JWD'ers that dedicated?
Uh...ahem...um, well, I just started a thread and it's already dropped a page back with no replies...
...don't worry...I don't..sniff...get too...upset......
just 'cause I thought it was kinda funny......doesn't mean others do...
Let's make JW-friendly greeting cards...
by exwitless indid you ever think about the fact that when you were a dub, it was pointless to buy a box of all occasion greeting cards?
it annoyed the heck out of me, because you couldn't use the ones for birthdays or most of the sympathy cards (because they often said "lord" or "god" in them).
so what would a box of jw greeting cards contain?.
Did you ever think about the fact that when you were a dub, it was pointless to buy a box of all occasion greeting cards? It annoyed the heck out of me, because you couldn't use the ones for birthdays or most of the sympathy cards (because they often said "Lord" or "God" in them).
So what would a box of JW greeting cards contain?
Sympathy: "In this most difficult time, may you find comfort in knowing that your mother is just simply dead. She knows nothing, sees nothing, hears nothing. And who knows? Jehovah might ressurect her after Armageddon."
Thinking of You: "Just a word to let you know we've been missing you - at the meetings. In fact, we've missed you at 17 out of the last 23 meetings."
Invitation: "You are cordially invited to a JUDICIAL COMMITTEE meeting!! When: 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 6th. Where: Kingdom Hall Library. (Please, no recording devices.)
You guys are much better than I am at making funnies. Any other greeting card ideas?
Inspired or Guilted by the One-legged Pioneer Sister?
by compound complex infriends: guilted or inspired?.
one of our dear regular posters mentioned that she knew the same one-legged pioneer sister i had heard tell of throughout my career as a jehovah's witness.
the tear-jerking accounts of her ten exemplary, theocratic children, all of whom could recite the books of the bible before they could say dada, inspired me to teach my own children well, however late in their own adolescence it took them to come up with their own gurgly version of dada.
How come "turned on" isn't a choice?
An experience I do remember hearing for real was about a woman who was in very poor health, in a wheelchair, etc. who came to EVERY SINGLE MEETING. It took her hours to get ready and get herself to the hall. She always sat near the back of the hall. An elder noticed from the [pulpit] (I can't remember the right dub word for this) that this woman would have tears running down her face for the first half hour of every meeting. Finally he asked her why, and she said that the pain is so bad from her getting ready and traveling and it doesn't settle down for about 30 minutes. He asked her how/why she was able to endure this 3 times a week. She said 'because the love she felt from the brothers and the spiritual upbuilding she felt always made it worth all the physical pain.
Here's another doozy:
A woman was blind, deaf, and disabled but ALWAYS attended the meetings (not sure if she came with family or if someone always picked her up). She could only come and just sit at the meetings. When someone asked her why she "bothered" to come because she couldn't see or hear or benefit from being there, she responded that she came because the minute she enters the KH, she can feel Jehovah's holy spirit, and she felt so uplifted by it at every meeting.
Moral of the story: even if you're blind, deaf, disabled, in tremendous pain, fighting off crocodiles, walking 20 miles to the KH in a blizzard going uphill both ways, etc., you can and should be at every meeting. No excuses.
OK, now you have to give us an expanded version of your story starting from the point when you and Missanna met. She was a pioneer when you met. Were you DF'd? DA'd? Inquiring minds want to know...
That is a really cool story!!
Hey, what ever became of the elder you met in Texas? Is he still in?
Inspired or Guilted by the One-legged Pioneer Sister?
by compound complex infriends: guilted or inspired?.
one of our dear regular posters mentioned that she knew the same one-legged pioneer sister i had heard tell of throughout my career as a jehovah's witness.
the tear-jerking accounts of her ten exemplary, theocratic children, all of whom could recite the books of the bible before they could say dada, inspired me to teach my own children well, however late in their own adolescence it took them to come up with their own gurgly version of dada.
CoCo: Here's my post from the other thread:
I couldn't have felt good about myself after someone would give an experience of a single sister who had no arms, only one leg, had 10 kids whom she home schooled despite the fact she worked 3 jobs and pioneered 120 hours a month; plus she had to walk on her one leg 15 miles to the KH in crocodile-infested rivers upstream both ways. (By the way, she never missed a meeting, was never late, and never got a drop of water on her thoroughly studied WT.)
OK, ok, I'm exaggerating, but that's how those experiences made me feel.
So, I guess you've all heard her story too. I forgot about the woman in the iron lung, though.
I'm given to understand that a crocodile took her other leg and both her arms on the way to a DC, though that may be an urban legend. I believe it happened in Detroit.
LOL!!! I all seriousness, though, it happened in while she was a missionary in south america.