It's funny, because LDB and I just boxed up all the rest of our dub books/tapes/cd's today. Taking up space and collecting dust, besides the fact that they were one of the first things you'd see when you come into our bedroom! Anyway, they're doomed for the trash, unless anyone wants anything. Atlantis requested a couple of things last time I mentioned the books. If anyone is looking for anything, I also have some stuff. Here's a basic idea of what we've got:
JW's, Proclaimers of God's Kingdom
TMS book
Reasoning books
1987, 1990, 1991 WT bound volumes (I think)
Bible Story book (also on cassette tape)
Listen to the Great Teacher
Live Forever books
Several of some of the more recent new books released at the DCs
Lots of NWTs
Other miscellaneous stuff. If there's something you're looking for, let me know. I don't have any old stuff. The oldest publication I have is the United in Worship book.