Yes, I edited my post acknowledging that. We type too fast to keep up! Please accept my apology.
JoinedPosts by exwitless
what a pathetic site this is, so sorry i joined
by donna4174 into everyone looking at these pages you are all demonic and will be judged when jehovahs day is near dont leave it to late you sinners of satan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a pathetic site this is, so sorry i joined
by donna4174 into everyone looking at these pages you are all demonic and will be judged when jehovahs day is near dont leave it to late you sinners of satan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, sweetface, but your reply was just a wee bit hostile. You only reaffirm Donna's opinion of us here by responding so angrily. Just my opinion.
Donna - maybe this board isn't for you. If you are a sincere JW, then you're right, you shouldn't have joined. If you're really questioning things with an open mind, you couldn't find a better place than this to get loads of information and support.
And now the backlash...
edited to say, Oh great. Her comment's been revised. Never mind. Sorry.
old pink songbook / pamphlet style one
by monophonic inanyone have one of the old pink songbooks?.
or know how much they pop up for on ebay?.
Here's an ebay link:
Wow, that's a long link. Hurry - the bidding ends in less than an hour.
WAC bids a farewell to the JWD community
by What-A-Coincidence init's been lots of fun.
thanks simon and co. thanks to the many forum members who posted life saving information.
without it, i would still be part of the collective.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Too many good people leaving.........
Missing the meeting... AGAIN
by 5thGeneration inpretended to be sleeping.. wife and kids got ready and left without me.. wife's gonna be pissed when she gets home.. well at least i have football to watch..
Thanks, eclipse. And it's spoken honestly. If they really did care how my husband was or why he missed the meeting again, they would call him. But I know for certain that the only reason they would even ask me was to clear their consciences, so they put on a show of concern. But as I said, never once do I recall my husband getting a phone call the evening of or the day after a missed meeting.
My response, once repeated a few times, got results. People quit telling me to "tell him we missed him". Because I would basically tell them to 'tell him yourself!' It was funny to see the looks on the elders' faces when I would tell them. Sort of deer-in-headlights look, like "You really think I'm that concerned that I would make personal effort to call him? Oh, wait, I'm an elder- I'm supposed to!"
Missing the meeting... AGAIN
by 5thGeneration inpretended to be sleeping.. wife and kids got ready and left without me.. wife's gonna be pissed when she gets home.. well at least i have football to watch..
She basically gets upset dragging the kids by herself because she doesn't really want to go either.
She really hates answering for me too. "Where's your husband?" "Is he sick?" "Why haven't we seen him?"
I feel really bad for her but... watcha gonna do?
I can relate to this feeling. I was that wife for a little while. My husband Little Drummer Boy stopped going to meetings probably about a year before I did, and before that, he was REALLY inactive. I felt like I was just as tired, sick, unmotivated, busy, or whatever other excuse he had to miss meetings. But I dragged my butt and my son's butt in there as often as I could, because I thought I would be pleasing "Jehovah".
I got really sick of the "Where's your husband? How's your husband? Tell him we miss him" comments. So I finally started doing as OnTheWayOut suggested. I would answer by saying, "You know, I'm sure he'd appreciate hearing that from you personally. Why don't you call him?"
That shut them up. And, by the way, they never did call him to say they missed him whenever I suggested it.
You should just explain to your wife that if you miss the meetings, it's not on her to make excuses for you. Tell her that it's your "fault" for missing, so if people want to ask, they should call you. Put the responsibility back on yourself to 'explain' yourself. Then (little white lie) tell her that you're proud of her or admire her for going even when you don't. Just your acknowlegement of the situation will help calm her.
At the Specail Assambly Day
by Hermano ini'm at the special assambly day entitled, jehovah is our potter we are the clay.
interesting day.
there was a talk in the morning session which included the news media as one of the tools that satan uses to mislead us.
Very, very true, New York. I was thinking how sad that was. Baptism is supposed to be done because you want to dedicate your life to "Jehovah" - willingly, regardless of whether Armageddon will ever happen. That statement just reinforces that the JW's whole motivation is FEAR. Fear of displeasing "Jehovah", fear of being df'd, fear of the elders, fear for your eternal life. It's really, really sad.
Do you expect the man in the marriage to be strong.
by free2beme inmy mother-in-law had surgery recently and when ever she does go through medical issues, it brings up something i wonder about.
you see, i think the man or husband, in the relationship needs to be strong at those moments.
to be the person who people can look to for updated information, perhaps to be the pillar of strength to keep everyone calm in a rough situation and so on.
He sounds like he's desperate for attention, even when he really doesn't need/deserve any. So when his wife - who is the one who should be getting the attention - is sick, maybe he can't stand that all the focus is on her. Therefore, he has to pull some 'heroics' so everyone will think "wow, look how strong he is, look how dedicated he is..." and he becomes the focus of attention. The only thing you can do in that situation is for everyone to NOT NOTICE his heroics; just ignore them but treat him like you would anyone in his situation. Or maybe someone should tell him "Look, all your drama and heroics aren't helping anything. Let's focus on getting your wife better..." I don't know. Just a thought.
I walked off the job today....
by Terry incan't explain this one.. right in the middle of my shift i became disassociative.. my brain locked and i threw my hands up and kept repeating, "i can't do this!
i can't take this!
right out the front door of the bookstore.. i wasn't angry.
Terry-I know you mentioned that your son has Asperger's. If I recall correctly from one of your other threads, you said that YOU also have it. Is that right? Well, if so, then your whole ordeal makes more sense. People with autism of any sort often cannot handle over-stimulation. It's a brain-wiring issue. Maybe I'm preaching to the choir because I'm sure you already know more than any of us about the disorder. Definitely go see your doctor. Maybe you just need a little medication to help your brain signals to not get "overheated". Hang in there.
OK-who's already carving their pumpkins?
by exwitless intonight, my 9 year old and i are going to dig our hands in the pumpkin brains.
i love carving pumpkins again.
here's one of them we made last year, our 1st one since out of the borg:.
Jgnat - you gave away my secret! Just kidding. Yes, it's from a template. Right now, we're working on a ghost-themed pumpkin. I'll post a pic when it's all done.