Posts by Drue
Theory of Relativity In Words of Four Letters or L
by Drue ini'm not sure if this should go into the humour section, but there you go:. (long reading requiring meditation)albert einstein's theory of relativity.
in words of four letters or less.
I'm not sure if this should go into the humour section, but there you go: (long reading requiring meditation)
Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity
In Words of Four Letters or Less
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So, have a seat. Put your feet up. This may take some time. Can I get you some tea? Earl Grey? You got it.
Okay. How do I want to do this? He did so much. It's hard to just dive in. You know? You pick a spot to go from, but soon you have to back up and and go over this or that item, and you get done with that only to see that you have to back up some more. So if you feel like I'm off to the side of the tale half the time, well, this is why. Just bear with me, and we'll get to the end in good time. Okay?
Okay. Let's see....
The Saddam Hussein Interview (British Channel 4)
by Drue inthe saddam hussein interview.
at the weekend, the veteran labour politican tony benn travelled to baghdad to meet and interview the iraqi president.
tonight we hear why - according to saddam - iraq has no interest in war and possesses no weapons of mass destruction.
The Saddam Hussein Interview
At the weekend, the veteran labour politican Tony Benn travelled to Baghdad to meet and interview the Iraqi President. Tonight we hear why - according to Saddam - Iraq has no interest in war and possesses NO weapons of mass destruction.
Here is the transcript:
Help with 1914!
by izobcenec ini am discussing about the year 1914 with my dub friend...he insists, that the year 607 is scriptural,.
because 607+70 is 537, when israelis returned to their land.
i presented all the evidence about 586/87.
Hi, Izo,
There is a recent detailed discussion on 1914 with AlanF, aChristian, Earnest and others:
Anybody here from Portugal?
by Nassau inanybody here from portugal or portuguese congregations around the world?
in p: tem aqui alguem de portugal ou de alguma congregacao portuguesa no mundo?
seria muito interessante podermos contactar-nos mutuamente neste forum e partilharmos as nossas proprias experiencias.
i think Osarsif is from Portugal
have a look here: -
and news brief here:
Thursday's Canada News Briefs
Thu Jul 11, 9:41 PM ETBy The Associated Press
CALGARY, Alberta - A dying teenager who fought blood transfusions on religious grounds was disheartened Thursday after losing her bid for Canada's top court to consider the medical rights of mature minors.
The Supreme Court of Canada didn't provide any reasons, as is usual in such proceedings, when it released its decision that it would not hear her case.
"She was disappointed," lawyer David Gnam said of his 16-year-old client.
The decision doesn't affect the Calgary girl's medical situation as the Alberta government last week stopped forcing treatments on the Jehovah's Witness after 38 transfusions and four rounds of chemotherapy failed to arrest her leukemia.
Although her medical condition has improved, she is not expected to live much longer.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Bible forbids using blood in any way.
The girl, whose identity is protected under the Alberta Child Welfare Act, had said her case was about the rights of mature teens to make their own informed medical choices.
Read here as well:
Supreme Court rejects case of forced blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witness teen-ager with leukemia
Thu Jul 11, 4:02 PM ET
CALGARY, Alberta - Canada's Supreme Court has refused to consider the case of a 16-year-old leukemia patient who was forced to undergo blood transfusions even though it violated her beliefs as a Jehovah's Witness.
Following its usual practice, the court offered no comment Thursday in rejecting the case.
"She was disappointed," lawyer David Gnam said of his client, who cannot be identified by name because she is a minor. "She wanted to know the reasons for that decision, but of course the Supreme Court doesn't give reasons, so it's a little frustrating."
The girl was forced to undergo 38 blood transfusions and four rounds of chemotherapy by the Alberta provincial government. Her treatment ended last week after cancerous lesions appeared on her back, showing the medicine had failed to arrest the leukemia.
According to Gnam, the girl considers the case to be about the rights of mature teen-agers to make their own informed medical choices.
"She said, `If they don't listen to my case, they are going to have to listen to another case in the future,' so she understands that the issue that she's raising continues to be a live concern," Gnam said.
The case divided the girl's family, with her father advocating the transfusions and medical treatment while her mother opposed them.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Bible forbids using blood for medical treatment.
The case had gone to court 19 times with lower court judges giving the Alberta government custody of the girl, who was then forced to undergo transfusions. Doctors said conventional blood treatments offered a 40 to 50 percent chance of beating the cancer.
Edited by - Drue on 12 July 2002 8:59:6
News from Calgary
by larc inthe trial to decide whether the father can continue to allow his ill jw daughter to have blood transfusions is in progress.
four people are testifying in the father's defense.
jim penton, sam muramoto, chris christonson, and greg stafford.
Thank you for the news larc and others. I posted about this on one of the Russian forums
anyone in or around London, UK?
by Drue ini am a former jw from russia (disassociated due to conscience reasons a year ago).
i will be on business in london, uk late april-beginning of may and will have a week off after may 3. i would like to meet some witnesses/ex-witnesses while im in the uk, but i dont think i know anyone in the london area or around.
please drop me a line at [email protected] if you might like to meet.
Hello again,
I just received a last minute phone call from work saying I could not extend my stay in the UK after the work is over. So I have to be leaving London for home May 3 and would not likely get a chance to meet anyone, even in the London area, because I won’t have any days off.
Those who wrote me -- thank you very much for your hospitality, maybe next time. Somebody also seems to have posted my yesterday's message on some other board, because I heard from people who said they saw it posted elsewhere. While that person may have been moved by good intentions, and the results were the ones i sought, I still think people's messages should not be posted elsewhere without permission or at least notification.
anewperson: i'm sorry i'm short of time now -- my flight is in several hours. What exactly would you like me to tell you about?
anyone in or around London, UK?
by Drue ini am a former jw from russia (disassociated due to conscience reasons a year ago).
i will be on business in london, uk late april-beginning of may and will have a week off after may 3. i would like to meet some witnesses/ex-witnesses while im in the uk, but i dont think i know anyone in the london area or around.
please drop me a line at [email protected] if you might like to meet.
I am a former JW from Russia (disassociated due to conscience reasons a year ago). I will be on business in London, UK late April-beginning of May and will have a week off after May 3. I would like to meet some witnesses/ex-witnesses while I’m in the UK, but I don’t think I know anyone in the London area or around. Please drop me a line at [email protected] if you might like to meet. Thank you.