I'm sorry
you should be for continually implying something that isnt even there.
You used this in defense of a war on Iraq.
not solely, no i didnt. i used it as a defense of action agains state-sponsored terrorism, EVERYWHERE, not just iraq. here, ill re-post my quote, in its entirety, so that you can see this.
whether you like it or not, the u.s. will pursue terrorism everywhere. i agree with it, you obviously do not. for me personally, the argument of "the u.s. is just as guilty" makes no sense whatsoever. so, since weve been guilty of supporting terrorism in the past, we should just sit back and let terrorists bomb our nation?
hopefully you see the difference this time, as i didnt even specify iraq in that quote as you seem to think i did.
If attacking Iraq is necessary, otherwise we will be letting 'terrorists bomb our nation'
i think going after terrorism is necessary, otherwise we will be sitting back and waiting for them to "bomb our nation", yes. do i think attacking iraq immediately is necessary to prevent them from bombing us? no i dont (once again).
then obviously you must think Iraq plans to attack the US at some point?
i think its quite possible that saddam will at some point aid an attack against the u.s.....perhaps on our soil, perhaps not....perhaps directly, perhaps indirectly. do i think he is a threat? of course i do....and i think im probably not the only one that believes that.
Unless by attacking Iraq, you are confident that we will terrify terrorists everywhere into not 'bombing our nation' anymore?
no, its not all about deterrence. i do think the more we go after terrorists everywhere, the harder it will be for them to attack us though, which is what i was intending to imply all along.
The only other meaning that can be implied is that YOU feel Iraq is a DIRECT THREAT to the US
i think iraq is a threat to alot of countries, including the u.s.....simply because they are lead by a genocidal madman. if by "direct threat" you mean immediate, as in we need to take care of this by spring or else, no i dont believe that.