Rain of Fire

by Defender 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    Watch how US Forces aboard AC130 Gunship night raid in Afghanistan targeted fleeing unarmed "personnel".

    Watch the Rain of Fire as little bright running objects were targeted and killed one by one. Watch how they were finished off, if after being hit, they were still "moving".

    Well, at least they spared the mosque.

    http://www.newsfrombabylon.com/media/military/AC130_Gunship.wmv (Low Res 5.5 Mb)

    http://www.newsfrombabylon.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=35 (High Res 21 Mb Real Audio )

    Edited by - Defender on 23 January 2003 14:50:8

    Edited by - Defender on 23 January 2003 17:55:17

  • Perry

    The surviving relatives of the victums of the below attrocities thank this AC130 gunship from the bottom of their hearts.

    Thanks for posting a link proving that their is some justice left in the world.

    God Bless America

    Examples of Recent Al Qaeda & Taliban Atrocities


    "Among the accounts of mutilations, beatings and arbitrary executions there was evidence of a new abomination: the torture of children. An unknown number of infants were savagely beaten during the Islamic militia's 14-month occupation of Taloqan, the former headquarters of the Alliance, usually for the supposed crimes of their parents." (Source: The Times [U.K.], 11/13/01)


    "The barbarity of the Taliban plumbed new depths when troops shot dead eight boys for daring to laugh, sickened refugees revealed yesterday. The teenage lads had been chuckling at the soldiers who suddenly raised their Kalashnikov rifles and gunned them down. It was one of a string of atrocities in the besieged Afghanistan city of Kunduz, which was last night poised to fall to the Northern Alliance. At least 300 frightened Taliban were killed by men from their own side because they wanted to surrender." (Source: The Sun [U.K.], 11/19/01)


    "The Taliban is jailing children as young as 10 in Kabul to root out dissent, it is claimed today. According to French journalist Michel Peyrard, who was held by the Taliban for 25 days, the biggest threat to the extremist regime is its own paranoia. He said his fellow detainees included several children. On one occasion the nephews of an escaped political prisoner - aged 10, 13 and 19 - were rounded up. The eldest was tortured and subjected to a mock execution. The Taliban also jails leaders and military commanders for being traitors on only the flimsiest evidence." (Source: The Evening Standard (London), 11/9/01) ATROCITY

    "One day they came, and ordered everyone to go into the bazaar and protest against the bombings, and chant: 'Death to America'," said Salahuddin. "I was in my house and I had to go outside. When we refused to protest against America, they got angry." Another man who fled the village said he saw the Taliban drag a man called Lash Boi from his house to the mosque and beat him to death when he refused to protest. Lash Boi's three sons are on the front line now, fighting to avenge their father's death, he said." (Source: The Independent (U.K.), 11/9/01)


    "When the family returned six hours later they found that Abdul's right femur had been shattered by repeated blows from a Kalashnikov, the stock of the rifle leaving a clear imprint on the floor of the family's home. Doctors gave Nurala a couple of packets of paracetamol and bluntly told him that his son would never walk again. 'He was in so much pain for a long time, and it changed his mind as well,' Nurala said. 'I don't understand how anyone can do such a thing to a small child. I have spoken to many people about this and nobody understands it.' There are many others in Taloqan who have similar stories of children being beaten in front of their parents because their fathers were unable to hand over a weapon to the Taleban, of men who had a hand amputated when they were accused of stealing the bread that they carried home to their families, and of women who were raped after their husbands were taken away and imprisoned in Kandahar or Mazar-i Sharif." (Source: The Times [U.K.], 11/13/01)


    "'They burnt some of us alive.' It was almost the first thing he said to us. In the dust and squalor of a refugee camp, Salahuddin told yesterday how the Taliban burnt an entire family to death in their own home in revenge for the American bombing. He says he saw them bringing out the blackened bodies of the children. Then the Taliban took Salahuddin and the other villagers to the front line, where they ordered them to gather up scattered bits of bodies, all that was left of Taliban soldiers killed by the American bombs." (Source: The Independent U.K. 11/9/01)


    "'The Taliban commanders killed 100 of our friends,' said this defector, adding, 'They hung their bodies from lamp posts as a warning to the rest of us.'" (Source: CBS Evening News, 11/19/01)


    "One said a doctor was shot dead for not treating a wounded Taliban soldier quickly enough, while others said a group of eight teenage boys were killed for laughing at Taliban soldiers." (Source: The Herald (Scotland), 11/19/01)


    "Foreign Taliban soldiers, who have gathered in Kunduz for what appears to be a last stand, have gunned down more than 400 Afghan Taliban soldiers trying to defect to the Northern Alliance, the refugees and the alliance soldiers said. The 400 were killed in mass shootings late last week, refugees said, and were prompted in part by the defection of a local Taliban commander to the Northern Alliance. According to the reports, Arab and Pakistani soldiers with the Taliban have also begun shooting young civilian men of the Uzbek and Tajik ethnic groups suspected of trying to escape to territory controlled by the Northern Alliance. 'The foreigners came into the village and shot all the men,' said Muhammadullah, a 21-year-old man who crossed into Northern Alliance territory today. 'I saw this with my own eyes.'" (Source: The New York Times, 11/19/01)


    "Foreign Taliban soldiers also killed dozens of Afghan Taliban soldiers on Friday at the village of Musazai near the Kunduz airport, refugees and Northern Alliance soldiers said. Refugees fleeing Kunduz said foreign Taliban soldiers had gunned down 125 Afghan Taliban soldiers who had been stopped on their way to the front lines. The foreign Taliban soldiers seem to have decided that the local Taliban were trying to defect. When they tried to stop them, a fight began and the foreign Taliban opened fire, the refugees said." (Source: The New York Times, 11/19/01)


    "The BBC has confirmed that the central Afghan town of Bamiyan was totally destroyed by the Taleban before they fled over the weekend. Evidence has also emerged of Bosnian-style ethnic cleansing in the region involving the execution of hundreds of local ethnic Hazara men." (Source: BBC News, 11/13/01)


    "Our correspondent said every building, shop and house had been destroyed before the town fell on Sunday after a two-hour gun battle." (Source: BBC News, 11/13/01)


    September 1996 -- Upon capturing Kabul the Taliban castrated President Najibullah, dragged his body behind a jeep for several rounds of the Palace and then shot him dead. His brother was similarly tortured and then throttled to death. (Source: Department of Defense)


    January 1998 -- In the Western province of Faryab, the Taliban massacred approximately 600 Uzbek villageres. Western aid workers who later investigated the incident said civilians were dragged from their homes, lined up and gunned down. (Source: Department of Defense)


    August 1998 -- The Taliban entered Mazar-I-Sharif and went on a frenzy killing shop owners, cart pullers, women and children shoppers. (Source: Department of Defense)


    August 2000 -- Taliban execute POWs in the streets of Heart as a lesson to the local population. (Source: Department of Defense)


    June 2001 -- Taliban bombed the administrative center of Yakaolang, including the district hospital and an aid agency office. (Source: Department of Defense)


    Massacre at Yakaolang -- Taliban forces committed a massacre in Yakaolang in January 2001. The victims were primarily Hazaras. The massacre began on January 8, 2001, and continued for four days. The Taliban detained about 300 civilian adult males, including staff members of local humanitarian organizations. The men were herded to assembly points, and then shot by firing squad in public view. According to Human Rights Watch, about 170 men are confirmed to have been killed. According to Amnesty International, eyewitnesses reported the deliberate killing of dozens of civilians hiding in a mosque: Taliban soldiers fired rockets into a mosque where some 73 women, children and elderly men had taken shelter. (Source: State Department)


    Massacre at Robatak Pass -- The May 2000 massacre took place near the Robatak pass. 31 bodies were found one site, of these, 26 were positively identified as civilians. The victims were Hazara Shi'as. (Source: State Department)


    Massacre in Bamiyan -- When the Taliban recaptured Bamiyan in 1999, there were reports that Taliban forces carried out summary executions upon entering the city. According to Amnesty International, hundreds of men, and some instances women and children, were separated from their families, taken away, and killed. Human Rights Watch reports that besides executing civilians, the Taliban burned homes and used detainees for forced labor. (Source: State Department)


    Massacre in the Shomaili Plains -- July 1999 Human Rights Watch reports that a Taliban offensive here was marked by summary executions, the abduction and disappearance of women, the burning of homes, destruction of property, and the cutting down of fruit trees. According to a report by the U.N. Secretary General on November 16, 1999, "The Taliban forces, who allegedly carried out these acts, essentially treated the civilian population with hostility and made no distinction between combatants and non-combatants." (Source: U.S. State Department)


    Massacre in Mazar-I-Sharif -- In August 1998, the Taliban captured Mazar-I-Sharif. There were reports that between 2,000 and 5,000 men, women and children -- mostly ethnic Hazara civilians -- were massacred by the Taliban after the takeover of Mazar-I-Sharif. During the massacre, the Taliban forces carried out a systematic search for male members for the ethnic Hazara, Tajik, and Uzbek communities in the city. Human Rights Watch estimates that scores, perhaps hundreds, of Hazara men and boys were summarily executed. There were also reports that women and girls were raped and abducted during the Taliban takeover of the city. (Source: State Department)

  • Defender


    One Atrocity does not justify another, especially not from those who claim to be Godly and Christian.

    Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.

  • Perry


    Please tell me you are not suggesting that a person cannot be Godly and Christian and defend themselves? There is a huge difference between murder and war. They are not even closely related.

    Edited by - Perry on 23 January 2003 15:10:20

  • Perry

    Here's a good discusion about the difference:


  • Francois

    Perry, I'm with you.

    Your prosecutor doesn't realize what he's saying. Those Taliban goons have lived by the sword and now they are dying by it. I know you're supposed to speak only good about the dead. OK. They're dead. Good.

    Let's get the rest of them before the liberals take over and want to put all the Taliban in midnight basket ball training.

    Society has a right, countries have a right, to protect themselves. Exterminating that vermin who practice a fanatic version of a religion that keeps its adherents frozen in the eleventh century and who kill at the drop of a hat "need killing" as we say in the south. So, we're killin' em and I can't think of a more deserving bunch.

    Thanks for the update on our progress.


  • dubla

    what a horrible movie....it had potential until they headed for london to find the only male dragon....then it just sank.


  • Perry

    Hi dubla,

    That movie did suck didn't it? I almost asked for my money back from Blockbuster.

    LOL@Francois - there dead, good. That was priceless.

    As far as I'm concerned, the Taliban represent all destructive religions that are bent on domination, family destruction, and murder. People need to know that you just can't do that crap endlessly. The WT should take note.

    Edited by - Perry on 23 January 2003 15:46:31

  • Francois


    What kind of munitions were our guys using? I guess I was expecting a Puff the Magic Dragon version of the Herc. Looks like rockets. Do you know? (Every time one of those guys blew up, I flashed on the WTC. Die, scum, die.)


  • acsot

    On a French-language T.V. show here last year someone somehow managed to get to one of the outdoor arenas in Afghanistan where the Taliban held public executions. I actually think the reporter was posing as someone sympathetic to the Taliban but only to be allowed into this area and record what was happening. The person had a tiny hidden camera and showed the "condemned" being driven into the arena on the backs of pickup trucks. Some were women, one was accused of appearing in public with a man other than her husband. Not adultery mind you, just walking down the street with someone other than her husband.

    On the other side of the arena men were being herded to their execution spots. The women fared a bit better () in that they were killed instantly by a bullet in the head. The men had ropes tied around their necks then hauled up a pulley until they died by strangulation.

    I don't know how that reporter managed not to vomit his guts out when witnessing it, but I'm glad he was able to sneak it out of Afghanistan and show it to the world.

    I had nightmares for days. Scum like the Taliban don't deserve to live.

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