im not sure where you grabbed your lyrics, but heres a more accurate version of that verse (from liner notes) ill try to highlight the differences:
Let your hair down to the track, yeah kick on back (boo!)
The Boogiemonster of rap, yeah the man's back
with a plan to ambush this Bush administration
Mush the Senate's face in, push this generation
of kids to stand and fight for the right to say somethin
you might not like, this white hot light
that I'm under, no wonder I look so sunburnt
Oh no I won't leave no stone unturned
Oh no I won't leave, won't go nowhereDo-si-do, oh-yo-ho, hello there
Oh yeah, don't think I won't go there
Go to Beirut and do a show there
Yeah you laugh till your motherf**kin ass gets drafted
While you're at band camp thinkin the crap can't happen'Til you f**k around, get an anthrax napkin
Inside a package wrapped in Saran Wrap wrappin
Open the plastic and then you stand back gaspin
F****n assassins, hijackin Amtraks, crashin
All this terror, America demands action
Next thing you know, you've got Uncle Sam's ass askin
to join the Army or what you'll do for their Navy
You just a baby, gettin recruited at eighteen
You're on a plane now, eatin their food and their baked beans
I'm twenty-eight, they gon
take you 'fore they take me
Crazy insane, or insane crazy?
When I say Hussein, you say Shady
My views ain't changed, still inhumane, wait
Arraigned two days late, the date's today, hang me!
not too big of a difference, but the last two lines make a lot more sense the correct way, and amtraks are more likely to get hijacked than anthrax.
Edited by - dubla on 28 January 2003 10:42:9