color me skeptical, but i have a really hard time believing that our government has nothing better to do than examine joke forwards to john and jane nobody. sounds like an urban legend to me.
it boggles my mind, so many here would rather believe saddam hussein than their own government.
so many here seem certain the bush administration is lying, but trust hussein to tell the truth.
color me skeptical, but i have a really hard time believing that our government has nothing better to do than examine joke forwards to john and jane nobody. sounds like an urban legend to me.
it boggles my mind, so many here would rather believe saddam hussein than their own government.
so many here seem certain the bush administration is lying, but trust hussein to tell the truth.
. When her sister went to open it, a window came up a informed her that a message "derogatory to our government" was intercepted and that she will not be able to receive it.
her company is filtering out government company filters out porn......egads! where does it end? pretty soon theyll be controlling our every thought!
while you watch your britney spears videos...your freedom is being taken away.. while you cheer for your nba team and drink that beer...your freedom is being taken away.. while you watch cnn/msnbc/foxnews reports about laci peterson and shuttle disasters....your freedom is being taken away.. while you see one of the greatest misdirections about "condition orange" blinking on your sets....your freedom is being taken away.. while you hoot-n-holler for going to war with saddam hussien...your freedom is being taken away.. while you turn on your computer to surf the internet...your freedom is being taken away.. while you worry about what sports car to buy...your freedom is being taken away.. while you sit in your home with the heat on, enjoying 3 sqaures a day...your freedom is being taken away.. while you worry about your next job promotion...your freedom is being taken away.. while you are being suckered by the greatest sham from the u.s. government...your freedom is being taken away.. it's amazing, that very few here realize what the patriot act and dept.
of homeland defense represents....and what is now in place.
for the rest who don't have my pity.
A growing body of info in the U.S. as well as a special report of the European Parliament says CS has caused heart failure, liver damage and death from exposure in close quarters. More recent findings also link exposure to abnormal chromosome growth.
oh no! the producers of fear factor also exposed people (the contestants) to cs gas, INTENTIONALLY!.......ive always thought there was evil lurking behind nbc......and now we know they are just as bad as saddam hussein himself!!
as many of us have said, the anti-war posters have their views, and the pro-war posters have theirs, and regardless of anyones opinion, a war with iraq is inevitable.
but, it looks like the war protesters may be able to make an actual difference now, if they so choose.....check it out: .
aaedited by - dubla on 11 february 2003 11:50:10.
personally, im all for this idea. weve got all these people bitching and moaning about war, and bush, and on and on, etc, etc........well, now you can do something about it! become a human shield and stand up for what you really believe in! maybe the bush administration will see just how wrong this really is, and that saddam isnt so bad after all.......maybe they just need a wakeup call from the people that really know how to run a country better than they do......all you can do is try...........
while you watch your britney spears videos...your freedom is being taken away.. while you cheer for your nba team and drink that beer...your freedom is being taken away.. while you watch cnn/msnbc/foxnews reports about laci peterson and shuttle disasters....your freedom is being taken away.. while you see one of the greatest misdirections about "condition orange" blinking on your sets....your freedom is being taken away.. while you hoot-n-holler for going to war with saddam hussien...your freedom is being taken away.. while you turn on your computer to surf the internet...your freedom is being taken away.. while you worry about what sports car to buy...your freedom is being taken away.. while you sit in your home with the heat on, enjoying 3 sqaures a day...your freedom is being taken away.. while you worry about your next job promotion...your freedom is being taken away.. while you are being suckered by the greatest sham from the u.s. government...your freedom is being taken away.. it's amazing, that very few here realize what the patriot act and dept.
of homeland defense represents....and what is now in place.
for the rest who don't have my pity.
I wonder if Sadaam will run for the mountains like Osama did.
bet on it. hes got enough body doubles to hold down the fort while he slips quietly into the night........
it boggles my mind, so many here would rather believe saddam hussein than their own government.
so many here seem certain the bush administration is lying, but trust hussein to tell the truth.
t h -
Nobody here has said they trust Saddam anymore, but your so blinded by your love for G Dub, you can't really actually read what anyone has said.
is this along the same lines as your other comment about how no one on this board supports saddams right to be in power? just called me a "dumbass" when i backed up someone elses statement that many on this board do indeed support saddams right to rule, and when i posted proof of such (on your request), i never heard from you again. of course, shortly after that simon banished you from the board forever, but now that hes apparently granted you clemency, care to comment on that thread? heres the link if you so choose:
thanks, take care,
as many of us have said, the anti-war posters have their views, and the pro-war posters have theirs, and regardless of anyones opinion, a war with iraq is inevitable.
but, it looks like the war protesters may be able to make an actual difference now, if they so choose.....check it out: .
aaedited by - dubla on 11 february 2003 11:50:10.
as many of us have said, the anti-war posters have their views, and the pro-war posters have theirs, and regardless of anyones opinion, a war with iraq is inevitable. but, it looks like the war protesters may be able to make an actual difference now, if they so choose.....check it out:
just something to consider,
Edited by - dubla on 11 February 2003 11:50:10
Senator Edward Kennedy is not my choice for "man of the year", but here he makes alot of sense.
this reminds me of a comment i saw on the daily show a couple weeks ago....he said something to the affect of: whats the world coming to when ed kennedy is making sense, and germany doesnt want to go to war?
n korea threatens us with first strike
pyongyang asserts right to pre-emptive attack as tensions rise over american build-up .
jonathan watts in pyongyang.
Actually United States Policy is generally to turn a blind eye unless that country directly opposes the USA.
assuming youre familiar with operation restore hope, please explain how mohammed farah aidid directly opposed the u.s.a.
we're going to a high terror alert today.
please be careful everyone.
well, it is unbelievable, but its due to another unbelievable fact: many of them think saddam is harmless!