While you watch your Britney Spears videos...your freedom is being taken away.
While you cheer for your NBA team and drink that beer...your freedom is being taken away.
While you watch CNN/MSNBC/FOXNews reports about Laci Peterson and shuttle disasters....your freedom is being taken away.
While you see one of the greatest misdirections about "condition ORANGE" blinking on your sets....your freedom is being taken away.
While you hoot-n-holler for going to war with Saddam Hussien...your freedom is being taken away.
While you turn on your computer to surf the internet...your freedom is being taken away.
While you worry about what sports car to buy...your freedom is being taken away.
While you sit in your home with the heat on, enjoying 3 sqaures a day...your freedom is being taken away.
While you worry about your next job promotion...your freedom is being taken away.
While you are being suckered by the greatest sham from the U.S. government...your freedom is being taken away.
It's amazing, that very few here realize what the Patriot Act and Dept. of Homeland Defense represents....and what is now in place. For the rest who don't know...you have my pity. But when the steam roller comes, and it obliterates your sense of reality in your lifetime or your children's lifetime...I'll be the guy who sits with a smile and says, "I told you so".
Amazing...from people who broke free from the WTBTS and still don't see what has transpired since 9-11. Willing to fight to the last, in complete blindness, and still think that America you live in....is the same one prior to 9-11. And I'm not talkint about a nation holding grief and sorrow...nor unity...I'm talking about the nation who let their freedoms go for a false sense of security. The nation who is calling Iraq the greatest threat, when it was their own government who is beginning a rule of tyranny.
Hope it was all worth it.
And give it some time, for those who will now lambast me on this, for I will come back someday and say....
I told you so.