you forget that bush has to sell his BS to the public. same is true for blair.
yes, indeed "selling" to the public is an important piece of the puzzle, which only reinforces my opinion that he wouldnt have been killed had he left peacefully. how could we possibly justify it to the public? saddam leaves peacefully, averts war, gives up power, and we hunt him down and kill him......hmmm, tough sell imo.
thanks for the also reinforced some of my points......
i like this comment from mubarak-
The era of secrets is over. Today's world is a world with no secrets and everything is known, monitored and followed."
basically just what i was saying.....if there were any negotiations, they wouldve been made public. there werent any because of saddams unwillingness to even CONSIDER it..........which is also backed up in the article:
Tariq Aziz, Saddam's longtime deputy prime minister, laughed when asked about the prospect of Saddam going into exile.
"Saddam Hussein is a brave leader and a hero, and will remain in his country for a long time, God willing, and will fight until the last Iraqi bullet is fired. We are in it with him," Aziz told BBC radio.
"At the same time, I don't think we're counting on it," Boucher added. "We're not engaged in any deep or serious discussions on the subject at this point since he's indicated no particular willingness to do that." (bold/italics mine)
we can only speculate at this point what may or may not have happened had he left. there is that possibility that he wouldve been killed, but imo, simple logic says otherwise. either way, saddam made it clear to all that he would never leave, so the official negotiations never took place.