caligirl just summed up my thoughts completely.
the terrorist threat level is now back to orange (high) again.. what do we do this time?
last time we were told to go out and buy duct tape and disaster supplies.
caligirl just summed up my thoughts completely.
my mom in yet another attempt to strengthen me, has decided to send me the daily text.
today's was especially repulsive.
just thought i would share.
Yes, we are to obey them and be submissive, to yield, to them.
yeah, obey them......obey men, yield to their commands......not at all cult-like....
technically its a gamble and thats not allowed but i think they could side step it if they really wanted to.. has there ever been any article on it?.
Technically its a gamble and thats not allowed but I think they could side step it if they really wanted to.
its a gamble, but its not gambling, if that makes any sense.......investing in a company (stock), a bank (cds), or the government (treasury notes), for example, is simply lending money to that entity and expecting to be paid back with interest/gains (with stocks its not actually lending, but same idea...the company needs to raise money, and they do so with investors). if the wt told people not to invest, they would also have to outlaw all loans of any kind, all borrowing, etc......pretty tough to back up with the "gambling" scriptures. sorry if that sounded like a explanation for children......i just wanted to clarify the difference between gambling and investing.....its not at all the same as putting your chips down on black and hoping for a good ball drop.
i promise that i am not turning into the next minimus with all the damn questions but this is something i have been thinking quite a bit about lately.. as i grew up in the troof... i almost despised it.
what it "stood for".
and the fact that people would "worship" it.
does non of you find nationalism and national pride a little troublesome?
i dont think anyone on this thread has endorsed nationalism.......inevitably, whenever there is a topic like this, someone decides to confuse the issue by making patriotism synonymous with nationalism, which isnt the case. na·tion·al·ism n.
i think most of us would agree that nationalism can be troublesome, yes.
\Pa"tri*ot*ism\, n. [Cf. F. patriotisme.] Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one's country. --Berkley.
i dont see anything wrong with loving the country you live in, and being devoted to the welfare of your fellow man.......and as far as being proud of your nation, whats troublesome about that? some are more proud than others, some appreciate their nations flag more than others.....i dont see any real problems with say its perfectly normal.
i thought reuben was superb on all 3 of his songs; clay sang the best only on his 3rd song.
just because clay sang a great final few notes on his 3rd song, doesn't mean he deserves to be american idol.. my best friend and i hope reuben wins, but believe clay will get more votes.. earlier today i heard bleach-blond frenchie who got booted off for her topless photos sing on a morning show...she would have blown the competition out of the water!
I am glad tomorrow is the last episode for the season.
I for one am getting TIRED of American Idol mania.
I hope to enjoy my summer without being bombarded by their BS. However I know that we, the general public, will be subjected to American Idol movies, albums, singles, and souvenirs (t-shirts, posters, coffee mugs)
(of the grumpy tonight class)
amen brother! has anyone else noticed how long and drawn out this one has been compared to the first go round? i mean, good god, they had a whole episode just to hype up the final sing off, then had the sing off episode, and now have yet another episode to see who won the sing, can you say overkill?? i try to avoid the show at all costs after the initial phase of cuts (which is actually pretty funny stuff), but i still get subjected to the twentyseven weeks of competition between the final ten (overkill, and more overkill), bc my girlfriend constantly has it on.
*ugh*, farewell american sure the next version will be twice as long as this last one.................
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
that last post of mine reminded me....i havent heard from you on the mustard gas issue since i gave you those stats......any conclusions?
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
dont cloud the issue.....we are only talking about the evidence that powell made to the u.n. in his last report.....obviously there was a mountain of evidence against iraq before he ever even made that report, otherwise resolution 1441 wouldnt have ever existed.....lets not forget that the u.n. unanimously voted for res. 1441 which called for force against iraq unless they fully complied. i dont think anyone in their right mind could argue that iraq fully complied with that resolution.......the war was not based entirely on powells presentation, it was simply the last stand to try and unite the security council. obviously it failed, and the u.s./u.k. decided (along with the coalition) to enforce res. 1441 without the opposing members.
i am not hung up on powells evidence......simon is. my opinion that iraq had wmd was formed long before powells presentation was ever made, and ive stated my reasons for this many times.......and ive still yet to have one poster give me a reasonable rebuttal for those reasons.
honestly, i think that could be why simon is so sure there arent wmd in iraq......i think he has convinced himself that the entire justification for war was based solely on powells presentation, which is absolutely preposterous.
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
t h-
well, considering the o.j. case, im not sure what it takes to get a conviction in a u.s. court of law........ apparently a whole lot more than solid evidence though.
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Well now, this is interesting. Basically, what you are saying is the "proof" will turn out to be fact or fabrication depending on what is found or not found.
I'm sorry, but THIS IS NOT WHAT EVIDENCE IS. Evidence is incontrovertible PROOF and this is NOT what has been presented but it is what is has been present as. ie. they have told us they have evidence and proof when they do not and we have gone to war over this.
What you are describing here is more 'wishful thinking':
"we hope that WoMD are found in Iraq because it will mean the excuse we put forward for going to war worked and we are not embarassed politically."
QED: They lied.
you are misunderstanding what i meant by my statement. let me clairfy.......i cannot form a definitive opinion on powells evidence until he proves it to me with the goods in iraq. the "proof" will turn out to be fact or fabrication IN MY MIND.....IN MY OPINION. thats the big difference between you and willing to leave the jury out on the issue, whereas youve already convicted the defendant.
i would also take issue with your definition of "evidence" every piece of evidence incontrovertible proof? says:
evidence: A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place.
when someone presents something as "evidence" in the courtroom, is it not in the jurys hands to decide if it was actually impossible to dispute (incontrovertible) that the evidence proves a certain crime?
to explain further, imagine you and i are the jury.......yes there is evidence that bunkers were cleaned up a day before inspectors arrived....but cleaned up of what? i suppose if they find large chemical vats, we could then assume thats what they were "cleaning up", couldnt we? did powell say, "look at this drum of chemicals.....we can test the photograph in the lab and prove its contents"? no, he made the case that there were chemical weapons in those sites, but obviously he couldnt prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt without hard evidence on the ground......surely you can understand this line of thinking..? of course if he could have proved it beyond any doubt, there wouldnt have been any countries opposing the war, now would there? its pretty simple logic to me, but i think you complicate it and twist it in order to fit your predetermined opinions on the issue.
If they find WoMD it will not alter the fact that the 'evidence' they claimed they had was fabricated.
i disagree.....if trucks are found matching the exact description powell gave of mobile bio-labs, and they are determined without a doubt to be these mobile labs, how could you possibly say powells description was "fabricated"? this is very close minded thinking on your shows your complete lack of objectivity.
I think it would be good politically and for stability if WoMD are found and are verified independently (ie. by UN inspectors for instance) as it will go some way to deflecting the animosity that will build up towards the west and the US / UK in particular.
I'd love to know how many resources they have allocated to finding these WoMD. I wonder if the yare just enough to appear that they believe some could be found (and worth searching for) as they can't really not look (even if they know they are not there). Funny that the main reason for the war (one of the ever changing ones) was that they needed to stop WoMD falling into the hands of terrorists ... yet now, little priority seems to go into searching for them. Likewise, humanitarian assistance seems to be poorly thought out and unplanned with little real zeal for it.
If WoMD were oil, I suspect they would have found them by now.
there are considerable resources allocated to finding the weapons (i know weve sent at least two thousand additional experts over since the war ended alone) addition to the three million other tasks that have to be cared for in iraq. we lost another chopper, maybe you heard.....yes there are still operations going on, and soldiers are still in danger.......every soldier doesnt have the freedom to roam around all day searching for a needle in a haystack....thats why much of the searching comes from defector tips at this point, in order to minimize wasted resources. you say there is "little priority" in the search, but this is only an empty statement, with absolutely zero backing, as the majority of your opinions are. in discussions, it helps to back your opinions with facts, numbers, adds credibility....just a tip.
btw, thank you for once again ignoring any and all tough questions that i posed. ill keep pointing out that you completely ignore anything you dont have an answer remind me of youknow in that way. again, arent you the one who called me to the mat for only answering portions of your posts? how is what you do any different?
has anyone seen this film?.
i just watched it today and was blown away!
it really has my head spinning.... .
yeah, wasnt it an awesome flick? i absolutely loved both movies, but i have to give the nod to pi as about a mind **** movie. we rented it, and ended up watching it three times before sending it back (netflix).