About the Flag or National Anthem

by pr_capone 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    I promise that I am not turning into the next Minimus with all the damn questions but this is something I have been thinking quite a bit about lately.

    As I grew up in the troof... I almost despised it. What it "stood for". And the fact that people would "worship" it. I knew what it stood for but I was firmly opposed to it.

    Now that I am out of the troof, when I see the flag... I have to stop and reflect. To me, its a reminder of all the freedoms that we as citizens enjoy. It reminds me of all the men and women who have given their lives not only for us but what it stands for. It makes me proud to be an American Soldier. Same goes with the national anthem.

    Does your countries flag or anthem inspire you in any way?

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Beans

    Ah yes pr, I hear you mang! When I hear my anthem I feel pride as well for us Canadians we hear yours as well often and know all the words so we kinda have two, lucky bitches we are eh!

    See the witnesses do not see singing the anthem as a respectful thing and that is where they are wrong!


    Canadian District Overbeer


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    During the bruhaha not too long ago aboout the phrase "under God" I discovered that those two words were inserted into the pledge by US President Eisenhower. What is ironic in the extreme is that Ike's MOM was a JW. Word!

  • caligirl

    What you said pretty much sums up my feelings. Well put!

  • proplog2

    I think the constitution is an enlightened document. I don't like the American Flag from an aesthetic standpoint. It has become pop art like Campbell Soup Cans.

    I think the words of the American National Anthem are a great love song to a nation. And it realistically leaves room to question How long can the USA remain and how long will that banner wave over a free people. It is a reminder that nothing lasts forever.

    I am not patriotic. But I have no desire to live anywhere else on the planet.

    I still think flag worship is juvenile and the Pledge of Allegiance a bad experiement in brain washing (originated by a socialist).

  • gumby

    I still think flag worship is juvenile and the Pledge of Allegiance a bad experiement in brain washing (originated by a socialist).

    Me too.

    I don't think anyone should be required to face and talk to a piece of cloth.....and if they do not...... they are made to feel foolish. I don't HAVE to recite something to prove I like it. Catholics do the same thing to a rosary. They look at it and say words to it. People are made to say the pledge ALWAYS with a group. You never hear anyone encourage others to say the pledge in privacy......only in front of others.


  • pr_capone

    Well... I know what you are saying but I wasnt reffering to the pledge. Honestly.. the pledge does nothing for me either but the national anthem sure does. Other songs like God Bless the U.S.A and when the world stopped turning really do strike a chord with me.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • gumby

    After reading ,posting, and pondering on this subject.....I was wondering......,

    ...do OTHER countries have the SAME type.... or near type of a zeal for their flag or their freedom as do Americans? By this I mean a TRUE appreciation for their country, and not an IMPOSED appreciation.

    I don't mean this with any sarcasm, but I really don't know.



    As there are many nations here represented on JWD, I can tell you, that for me, personally, when I hear: "O Canada" I do feel a sense of pride.

    But I know that this is not unique to Canadians, or any other nation for that matter.

    It may be many things to many different people, but for an ex-JW, it's a sign of our progress and psychological healing.

    It's important to have some national pride. It's also important to enjoy and respect the national pride of others.

    Makes for (hopefully) a harmonious Earth.

  • gumby

    Thanks Razorblade,

    I suppose for some the flag is like wearing a coat or hat that represents your favorite football team.

    Some have clothing, bumper stickers, and posters of their favorite team around their homes. Some have seen their favorite team "live" and have .."FOLLOWED" them and their history. Because they are so 'into' this team, they become zealous for them in their lives.

    People are like that with America. If they have served, or only "followed" the history and watch the media concerning it, and they themselves take a keen intrest in their country..............then these ones "wear the coat or the hat for their country....so to speak, and wave the flag around. I personally am not a hat or coat wearer.


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