Posts by dubla
Did this happen by itself?
by JH inwhen you look at this picture of the universe, how do you think this came about?
do you think that there is a creator afterall?
for those who like astronomy and nice pictures taken by hubble telescope and other telescopes check this out..
Did this happen by itself?
by JH inwhen you look at this picture of the universe, how do you think this came about?
do you think that there is a creator afterall?
for those who like astronomy and nice pictures taken by hubble telescope and other telescopes check this out..
Natural processes can create some beautiful symetry ... just look at a snowflake.
perhaps a creator is actively involved in all natural processes?
"They take you in there and you never come out."
by expatbrit insome have stayed in solitary confinement for long periods of time.
he was taken back to the prison.
they are reported to be still detained at the general intelligence prison in basra.
The human rights issue is not being used in the way you define above
personally, i think it is.....(i think its also used in the ways you describe in your post). it is used to counter those that claim the iraqis are better off without us "liberating" them, and that there are far more iraqis killed by u.s./u.n. sanctions than by saddam himself. i guess the latter half of that claim also begs the question (along the lines that you and expat are going), where was the wholehearted disgust for these sanctions two years ago? why werent there threads every day about the dying children who didnt have enough medicine and food? so....are they now being used for the anti-war/anti-bush agenda? of course they are.
as far as no one caring about saddam being in power all these years....personally i can attest to many people i know (myself included), that have for many years discussed saddams ousting...wondering when it would come, and hoping it would be sooner than later. personally i hoped we would simply finish the job the first time, and get him out of power after/during the gulf war....and ive hoped hed be out ever since. is it worth making a daily discussion topic out of it, when the actions to remove him could be (and have since proved to be) years away? especially with clinton in office for 8 was kind of a given that saddams ousting wouldnt get a huge push from the u.s.
as far as syria goes (and all the rest of them), i also personally hope there is some end in sight to the torture. i hope that we make a stand against them all, but im sure thats wishful thinking. i think it would be great if the u.s. or u.n. could take each issue one at a time, and deal with it in the best way possible, using force when needed. im not naive enough to think that they will all be at the top of our priority list simply for humanitarian reasons.....but i do think its a wonderful good that will come out of this particular war. it might not be the primary reason we invaded, but the iraqis will be much better off as a people once this is over. i read a local article the other day about the majority of the detroit area iraqi population, and their plans to return to their homeland after the war. i wonder why theyve been waiting?
Will Saddam get caught?
by JH in.
now they don't know if saddam is still in baghdad or if he fled out of iraq.
do you think that saddam will be as hard to catch as bin ladden?
here you go......
Sunday, January 19, 2003 Posted: 2:02 PM EST (1902 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Sunday that exile for Saddam Hussein and other members of the Iraqi leadership would be a "fair trade" to avoid a military conflict.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (UPI) -- The United States would try to find a refuge for Saddam Hussein and members of his inner circle if the Iraqi leader decides to go into exile, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Wednesday.
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 Posted: 12:24 PM EST (1724 GMT) BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Iraqi President Saddam Hussein says he would rather die in Iraq than leave his country, dismissing suggestions he should seek exile to avoid war.
also, id like to know your thoughts on these particular comments/questions from my above post:
as far as the cia order to kill him, all orders to kill saddam wouldve been rescinded had he left peacefully, and again, you have no way to prove otherwise. the logic behind this idea is simple.....what threat is hussein to us if hes living in a hideaway in another country with no control whatsoever? the answer: zero threat. even take your "oil" know, the whole reason we are at war according to you? how much control over the iraqi oil would hussein have in exile? again: zero. so, if hes no threat, and weve got the oil....why would we need to hunt him down and kill him?
Will Saddam get caught?
by JH in.
now they don't know if saddam is still in baghdad or if he fled out of iraq.
do you think that saddam will be as hard to catch as bin ladden?
ill dig up some of the articles for you if you seriously want to read them. i predict youll simply label the offers as "not serious", and write them off as im not sure i want to waste my time looking for them. let me know if youre serious.
by DakotaRed interrorists thank american protesters
by: benedict arnett with special arrangement of al jerksrah news service.
wednesday 02 april 2003
LMAO....nice one dakota.
Will Saddam get caught?
by JH in.
now they don't know if saddam is still in baghdad or if he fled out of iraq.
do you think that saddam will be as hard to catch as bin ladden?
bush never offered amnesty! he just demanded saddam to leave iraq...with the CIA trying to kill hussein a not very serious offer.
oh god, here we go with this again. this comment is completely baseless.....its only your personal opinion of what may or may not have happened behind the scenes. the u.s. offered exile to hussein long before the war started (and im not talking about the 11th hour demand for him to leave) was indeed a serious offer that would have been honored, and you have no possible way of proving otherwise. the only reason there were never serious "amnesty" negotiations was because saddam blatantly refused any notions of ever leaving the country.....why negotiate amnesty with someone who refuses a hundred times over to even consider it? that would obviously be completely ridiculous. as far as the cia order to kill him, all orders to kill saddam wouldve been rescinded had he left peacefully, and again, you have no way to prove otherwise. the logic behind this idea is simple.....what threat is hussein to us if hes living in a hideaway in another country with no control whatsoever? the answer: zero threat. even take your "oil" know, the whole reason we are at war according to you? how much control over the iraqi oil would hussein have in exile? again: zero. so, if hes no threat, and weve got the oil....why would we need to hunt him down and kill him? there would be no valid reason to do so, and the insinuation that we would is simply yours, and yours alone.
'You didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!'
by William Penwell ina journalist's account of the killing of a car full of iraqi civilians by us soldiers differs widely from the official military version, says brian whitaker .
tuesday april 1, 2003 .
the invasion forces suffered another self-inflicted disaster in the battle for hearts and minds yesterday when soldiers from the us 3rd infantry division shot dead iraqi seven women and children.
I wonder how the bushtonians would feel, if this is how the police treated civilians here.
um...they do. would you like me to dig up a list of police "accidents"? aa
"I bought this war game for my XBox and I want my money back"
by Simon inpicture the scene:.
you buy a new tom-clancy type game for your xbox / ps2 / pc and rush home to play it.
you guide your soldier through the enemy terrain and discover an enemy outpost ... which then surrenders.
if anyones ever played desert storm for the ps2, youll see that none of the iraqi soldiers surrender in that game.....which i guess is pretty unrealistic considering the non-existant resistance we actually encountered in the real desert storm.
Daylight Saving ends tonite in the land of Oz
by ozziepost inyes, folks, it's the end of summer daylight saving time tonite.
so all clocks are to be turned back at 3 am australian eastern standard time.. what will you do with the extra hour?
ooohh...think of the possibilities!!
I've never heard a satisfactory reason for Daylight Savings Time (it doesn't save daylight, it just moves it around). Does anybody know of one?
staying on the golf course for an extra hour on weeknights is reason enough for me. aa