I have found that when I first decieded to figure out the real truth of the Bible....I wanted all the answers spelled out clearly, because as a J.W. , we had ALL the answers. Yes, they changed here and there, but the society would tell us what would happen when we die, who goes to heaven, what movies we should watch, ect. ..we had all the answers. Now, I realize that we don't need all the answers. It doesn't all make sense....thats where faith comes in....and we only need faith the size of a mustard seed
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
Need help understanding scriptues in Mathew. just trying to show my wife the BORG is soooo wrong
by goingthruthemotions inas you know i am still in but have no strong conviction for this cult..but i still go because my wife is still asleep to the false teachings.
for a few months now...when we have family study it is stricly from the bible.
which is great, while we study we are taking the bible as it is, i think it is opening her eyes and how important jesus is.
Been gone a while, but feel the need for support again
by megsmomma inmy jw daughter is getting close to being 18, and she was baptized at the ripe old age of 11.... so i feel like the shunning is coming.
my sister is also on the verge of getting baptized, even though i have been able to show her many things about the watchtower proving it is full of lies, she is still falling for it.
she spoke to an elder about the shunning policy, saying she wouldn't join if she would have to stop speaking to me....and they said they couldn't make her do anything...so she took it as them not caring if she speaks to me.
You know how they get you while you're down? My sister has had some rough years. She's always been one foot in, one foot out, depending on what's happening in her life. She lives close to my mom....who is a jw and shuns me. Well, after a 2 nd failed marriage, she started going to more meetings and studying. Everyone is so nice to her....then she met a sisters son. ( he is 25, she is 36 with 4 kids from 18-4) He is baptized, but had left after a divorce himself, and was doing his own thing (partying, living with girls, ect) but not df'd cause they never caught up with him. He ended up moving back in with his jw parents when he got injured doing construction. So, they meet (she knew him when he was 13 and she was 24 with 3 kids, going to meetings off and on) So, they meet and he starts going back to meetings, talked to the elders and they didn't df him...they just wanted him to come back...so now they are dating for the past couple months...but his family is not too thrilled cause she's not baptized and they're hiding what they're doing, but probably will get married next month ( so they can do the big IT...know what I mean?) He had no career, because being raised in the "truth" he wasn't allowed to go to college, he has no car, but he did get a waiter job. She has 4 kids, 3 different dads, and lives off child support...which she just lost on opt he 18 yr old. So, the religion makes her feel like if she does this relationship jehovahs way, it will be good....the religion makes her feel special and like she's better than what her life is...and gives her reasons not to go to school, or support herself...the end is coming. So, that's her motivation. What can go wrong? Lol!
My 16 yr old is in it and so is ALL her family on her elder dads side. There is a long story there that I think I've told, but basically I had post partum depression, and about that time the generation doctrine changed, which threw me for a loop...basically I couldn't be a jw anymore, but thought I was as good as dead, and didn't want her to die with me...so I left her with her dad. I couldn't support her with no education or job. Thankfully, my life has been stable and good the past 10 years, since I discovered the truth about the truth...so I've been able to provide a good home for her to come visit send see we are godo people....but I know there will be tons of pressure on her when she turns 18... It is heart breaking.
Thars why I can't just wipe my hands of this religion.
Been gone a while, but feel the need for support again
by megsmomma inmy jw daughter is getting close to being 18, and she was baptized at the ripe old age of 11.... so i feel like the shunning is coming.
my sister is also on the verge of getting baptized, even though i have been able to show her many things about the watchtower proving it is full of lies, she is still falling for it.
she spoke to an elder about the shunning policy, saying she wouldn't join if she would have to stop speaking to me....and they said they couldn't make her do anything...so she took it as them not caring if she speaks to me.
I did send her copies of those articles that I cut and pasted from jwfacts. I want her to know that no matter what a certain elder may tell you at the time, their doctrine includes shunning. I also sent her the peice the elders manual has about how to handle people who speak to df'd relatives. I just hope it doesn't bite me in the butt later if she thinks of me as an opposer and apostate instead of the sister who cares about her.
Been gone a while, but feel the need for support again
by megsmomma inmy jw daughter is getting close to being 18, and she was baptized at the ripe old age of 11.... so i feel like the shunning is coming.
my sister is also on the verge of getting baptized, even though i have been able to show her many things about the watchtower proving it is full of lies, she is still falling for it.
she spoke to an elder about the shunning policy, saying she wouldn't join if she would have to stop speaking to me....and they said they couldn't make her do anything...so she took it as them not caring if she speaks to me.
Been gone a while, but feel the need for support again
by megsmomma inmy jw daughter is getting close to being 18, and she was baptized at the ripe old age of 11.... so i feel like the shunning is coming.
my sister is also on the verge of getting baptized, even though i have been able to show her many things about the watchtower proving it is full of lies, she is still falling for it.
she spoke to an elder about the shunning policy, saying she wouldn't join if she would have to stop speaking to me....and they said they couldn't make her do anything...so she took it as them not caring if she speaks to me.
Been gone a while, but feel the need for support again
by megsmomma inmy jw daughter is getting close to being 18, and she was baptized at the ripe old age of 11.... so i feel like the shunning is coming.
my sister is also on the verge of getting baptized, even though i have been able to show her many things about the watchtower proving it is full of lies, she is still falling for it.
she spoke to an elder about the shunning policy, saying she wouldn't join if she would have to stop speaking to me....and they said they couldn't make her do anything...so she took it as them not caring if she speaks to me.
my jw daughter is getting close to being 18, and she was baptized at the ripe old age of 11.... So I feel like the shunning is coming. My sister is also on the verge of getting baptized, even though I have been able to show her many things about the watchtower proving it is full of lies, she is still falling for it. She spoke to an elder about the shunning policy, saying she wouldn't join if she would have to stop speaking to me....and they said they couldn't make her do anything...so she took it as them not caring if she speaks to me. I think she has been love bombed so long while she sat on the fence, and has no idea the pressure to conform that is coming once she commits.
Anyhow, as much as I'd like the whole cult to be behind me forever, with family in....they still have such a hold on my life.
When do folks who study with a JW generally start to tell thier friends?
by insearchoftruth inmy wife is again studying with a jw sister, and earlier this week the sister was telling her about how wonderful it is to witness for jehovah.
well since i have known my wife, she has never spoken positively about the jws to anyone.
when can i expect her to be told that she should be sharing this with others.
What does The Watchtower really give to its followers?
by VM44 ini think this question deserves a thread of its own;.
what really does the watchtower provide to its followers?.
they take (and really demand) people's time, energy, and resources.
It gives you the freedom to not have to worry about death. It gives you the hope of being able to do some fabulous things you would never be able to do in this world.....like live in a huge, gorgeous house with all kinds of cool animals around. It gives you the chance to know your dead family members and friends, and not to have to worry when someone dies.
Too bad the things they "give" are just imaginary and if you stick in it long enough, the promises they make you for your future make your "real" life very hard to deal with.
Sciptures? Help???
by lostsheep82 ini know this subject is touchy, and i dont want to stir feathers.....but with my most recent convo with my mom and her "anointed" husband, they dont have as much of a problem with me discrediting the society as i do, as they do with the fact that i'm gay.
as he puts it....ignore the society and what they teach....go to the bible...so i asked him what about david and jonathans relationship, how can you prove they didnt have a sexual love for eachother and he says...'amanda, do you think they were bum holing eachother?'.
well when you put it that way i dont know, but that has nothing to do with the fact that most gay relationships have nothing to do with the actual act of sex, they have to do with the love two people share, cause they can't share it with someone else.. his response was simpathetic, and cause of my abusive past, that is what they blame it on........if i wasnt abused i wouldnt be gay.
I don't have any scriptures for you, but I wanted to just say I think Jehovah God knows our hearts and knows more about how we are made and work than we could ever know....and if you are gay, or love someone who is the same sex as you....I am sure he understands why....and you are no better or worse than anyone who loves someone opposite their sex. If I, as an imperfect human can have understanding and compassion for someone in your situation....then a loving God would have soooo much more.
The Bible has so much in it that is not literal, and so much is lost in translation.....the basics I learn from the Bible are if you love people and respect people...your life will be happier than if you don't.
One other hard lesson in life is figuring out how to VALIDATE yourself. You don't need to worry about what anyone else thinks or says (especially your parents) You just do what you think is right....and be okay with that. It takes time and practice to get good at doing this, but you will be so glad when you don't need anyone else's approval in your life. Respect yourself and don't allow others to treat you without respect.
Hang in there.......I wish you all the best
Watchtower deception regarding the TRINITY
by jwfacts ini have finally finished an article outlining the deceptive way in which the watchtower presents its anti-trinitarian information.
any constructive criticism such as regarding errors that may have crept in is welcome.
since i cannot embed a page i hope entering the html code works, otherwise it can be read at http://jwfacts.com/index_files/trinity.htm.
Wow....very good information. I just want you to know that I personally LOVE your web-site and it has helped me so much in realizing what I was told to believe (in many cases I didn't even know what "we" as JW's believed and were taught) and what the Bible actually says. Thank you so much for all your hard work.
PS As far as the trinity is concerned, it was the moment I realized I MAY believe in it and the Bible does speak of that whole concept that I felt totally free from the watchtower hold...it was amazing to feel that...like a switch went off.