Isn't this a form of closed-mindedness, arrogance, and a superiority complex?
Yes, christards and religtards have had 2,000 years of practice. They are masters of it now. Us atheists aren't as practised. You murdered most of us.
whether you are a christian, jew, undecided, agnostic, or atheist, isn't having the attitude that only ***your*** interpretation of the bible could be correct, or only ***you*** know what the bible means, -- .
isn't this a form of closed-mindedness, arrogance, and a superiority complex?.
in addition, isn't trying to force someone to conform to ***your*** interpretation of the bible the opposite of "freethinking?
Isn't this a form of closed-mindedness, arrogance, and a superiority complex?
Yes, christards and religtards have had 2,000 years of practice. They are masters of it now. Us atheists aren't as practised. You murdered most of us.
it is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
Atheists WANT the Bible to be interpreted literally so they can have something to attack.
If it's a symbolic parable or allegory, atheists have nothing left to attack.
Have you ever read the babble? It's such a piece of shit, it screams out to be attacked and deserves every attack it gets.
Here's a passage: Judges 21: 10-24
So they sent twelve thousand warriors to Jabesh-gilead with orders to kill everyone there, including women and children. "This is what you are to do," they said. "Completely destroy all the males and every woman who is not a virgin." Among the residents of Jabesh-gilead they found four hundred young virgins who had never slept with a man, and they brought them to the camp at Shiloh in the land of Canaan.
Here's another: Numbers 31: 7 - 18
They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. All five of the Midianite kings – Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba – died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho.
Here's my favourite: Deuteronomy 22:28-29
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
What kind of an sadistic piece of excrement forces a woman to marry her rapist? Oh, I know, that person that christards call yahoo.
I can come up with lots of other quotes. That shit book is full of stuff like this.
There's no wonder christards are two-faced evil b'stards that raped, murdered and pillaged their way through history - their babble tells them to.
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
And come on people. If an educated adult were to seriously believe the Santa Claus story, would we not mock him? Flying reindeer? All the houses around the world in one night? So if a person wants to come off as firm in their belief in some crazy things like the virgin birth or the worldwide flood of a few thousand years ago, they are taking on the burden of being criticized for that. Their opinion demands that they educate themselves about it before insisting upon such a view.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop at believing in Santa Clause, flying reindeer and the like. If it only that innocent - no issue. However, jovies don't believe in blood transfusion and that kills.
Also, passing on religtard nonsense to the next generation tells them that it's OK to believe in illogical nonsense.
it is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
If you've seen the debate between Cardinal Pell and Dawkins, you were likely surprised like I was to hear Pell state that the Church's position on Adam and Eve was that it was just a story to explain some nonsense. (Can't remember exactly what his explanation was.)
See, that's what I'm talking about. Anyone can claim whatever they want about the babble and god. All claim to know the sky wizard and what he thinks and why he thinks what he thinks and what the babble says and means and why it says it what it says.
So, they've all met the sky wizard and talked to him have they?
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
It doesn't surprise me that Dawkins would say this. Have you ever listened to his "Love Letters" from believers? It must wear on him after a while. There's only so much crap you can take in life before you react.
Don'tcha just love x-tians and religtards in general - for they have so much peace and love and understanding in their hearts.
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
That's the trouble with these x-tians. They are fine when they are top dogs and killing, raping, pillaging and enslaving those that don't believe in their understanding and all-loving god. Now the boot's on the other foot, they cry foul because of ridicule. They need to understand that we are treating them a darn sight better that they treated people like us who don't believe in their BS. We would now be dead for our rejection of their non-existent god.
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
You totally missed the point.
Mao, Pol Pot and Stalin etc. murdered people, just like x-tians. However, these 3 didn't pretend to be part of a religion that was about peace, love, forgiveness and understanding.
it is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
ALL x-tians should accept science because it's based on logic and evidence. Not to do so is illogical. However, the inherently illogical nature of x-tianity never stopped x-tians believing in it so why change now?
When it comes to the point where science conflicts with the teachings of the babble or a belief system such as x-tianity, then then babble/belief system should be disregarded for it is based on nothing.
When parts of the belief system have to be discarded because science is in conflict with it, then it places question marks over the remainder of the belief system and the credibility of the whole belief system is brought into question.
This is why people hang on for dear life to their beliefs, even in the face of logic and common sense.
To believe in x-tianity and evolution is two-faced. However, x-tians have been two-faced throughout their existence in that they have raped, pillaged, enslaved and murdered their way through history and STILL claim that their religion is one of peace and love.
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
Be careful with the common sense thing. There are many on this site who were talked into believing in God and Satan and the bible, based on common sense, who today don't believe a word of it.
The two underlined and emboldened words are mutually exclusive.
... but I keep my mind open until it's proven one way or the other.
I have an open mind too - but not so open that my brain has fallen out.
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
No one is asking anyone to believe in atheism because Dawkins said so. It's a conclusion many have come to after considering much evidence from many sources.
Many are ignoring the evidence and believing in god anyways.
Dawkins doesn't do anything for you? Great! You've still got to do your homework; what evidence do you have for a god?
Even after 2,000 years, there's still no evidence. Wake up to reality people.