You owe it to yourself to be happy. No other person in the world "owes" this to you happiness starts within. If you are miserable on the inside because of the situation of being enslaved to the "truth" you won't be able to be happy. Your heart already knows your path that you need to take. Yes a break form everything you know in life is tough. I know this from first hand experence I was born and raised in the truth. I lost EVERYTHING when I left the organization but what happened is I GAINED myself. Yes life can be very tough without the ones you have known your whole life but think of things this way. You are 30 years young now you have serious doubts about jw life, you still have around 30 years till you are 60. Where do you want to be at 60? Do you want to be living this same trail of misery and anguish or would you rather have something established in your life that will make you happy. I have had a rough time in my life since I have left the org for sure but i in no way regret my choice. I refused to be religously abused any more in my life and it has given me a inner peace that i will never let go of. Keep spending time on here there are some real good people who know what has happend to you because they have lived it too.
I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.