point taken.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
okay, i know (or want to believe) that not all jehovah's witnesses are this calloused.
at least i hope not.
there are some good, caring people, but here are some stark contrasts i've observed today that remind me of how glad i am that i'm not part of such an overall unloving group of people.
point taken.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
taken from wol, they do keep me amused,.
we here in the san diego area have many in our territories who are retired military folks.
the brothers are instructing us to (as always) keep very very neutral and try not to get into very "heavy" discussions about this.. we are being told (and our conductor says the society also was saying this yesterday from ny) to just tell the people we are bringing a message of hope, the message of peace.. another brother tells us his radio station was saying for everyone to put their flags out and show support for their country.
<"We are being told (and our conductor says the Society also was saying this yesterday from NY) to just tell the people we are bringing a message of hope, the message of peace.">
Except that this message is a blatant and flagrant lie. Since 1919 Jehovah's Witnesses believe ,and must believe on pain of expulsion and shunning, that God will destroy nearly 6 billion people (more with every day that passes that Armegeddon doesn't come) preserving alive only Jehovah's Witnesses. A recent KM and a recent Watchtower quoted in other posts on this board will bear witness to that (which is the real reason the Society doesn't want this 'free' stuff up on the internet)and I hear it almost every day at my meetings. Just heard it last night at my school/service meeting.
And JW's won't get away with it much longer. And being called on the carpet for unchristian and unbiblical behavior is NOT persecution of Jesus or God. Jw's won't get away with that lie much longer either.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
okay, i know (or want to believe) that not all jehovah's witnesses are this calloused.
at least i hope not.
there are some good, caring people, but here are some stark contrasts i've observed today that remind me of how glad i am that i'm not part of such an overall unloving group of people.
In a post somewhere, I reported honestly and completely the reactions of JW's at my Hall last night as seen and heard directly and in person by my own self. There is no callousness, hatred, no emotions at all in passing along my eyewitness observations, and I am sure the same is true for the others posted here.
Those clips you see posted here from Greatcrowd and WOL are real, they exist, they happened. There is no hatred, callousness, no emotions at all involved in passing along these postings.
The emotions I see the most is from JW's protesting ---not their own people's behavior---but the public revelation of it. THANK YOU FOR MAKING OUR POINT.
Ex-JW's take no pride from exposing these people's mindset and behavior. Do you think I'm proud that there was a time I might have let my child die because some man told me to? Or that it took me almost 30 years to break free of this? No! I say to you.
The group of people known as Jehovah's Witnesses have perpetrated a fraud upon the world for 120 years. Their God has given them that long to get their act together, and they have chosen not to do so. If they are now experiencing the repercussions of their own ungodly and unbiblical behavior, it is only their own fault--and it is NOT persecution for Jesus' or God's sake.
I help every Jehovah's Witness whenever I can, on this board, in chat, through email...traveling hundreds of miles at my own expense. I help people stay in the organization as well as get out of it. And what I do is but a drop in a bucket compared to the dedication and support that others on this board put out, and have been putting out long before I came on this scene.
Do you think any of us would do this if we 'hated' Jehovah's Witnesses; took 'glee' in their downfall? We do it because we care about them, because we see the good in them, because we once were in their shoes.
I know for a fact that many Jehovah's Witnesses are taking a good long look at the work we do on this board; and the people we are helping, and the people we have helped are now helping others. My heart goes out to all JW's who are hurting, trying to change, trying to do the right thing, trying to make the best of a bad situation.
And my heart goes out to all those who are trying to help them. It is harder than you so-called LOYAL Jehovah's Witnesses can EVER know.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
i woke up this morning as you all did to this chaos that has enveloped our country, for those of you outside our country i am sure you were just as shocked.
nothing as devistating has happened during my lifetime.
although for some of you in countrys where terriosm is an everyday occurence i now can see the horror and heartache you must deal with on a daily basis.
What gets me is that at my meeting tonight, there was not one mention of the WTC, not taking up a collection...not even in the closing prayer was there a mention to God to keep our 'brothers and sisters and their families' safe over there.
And nothing on the JW website either.
What has happened to these people? Have they become that afraid of uttering something 'unapproved' that they can't even spontaneously mention their own people in prayers from teh platform? Let alone the 'worldy' people....
27 years I have been in and around this org. I could just cry. In fact I think I will.
love and hugs to all ((board))
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
'dominates' earthling man... to his own injury.. there are two sides to this coin, dear ones, as there are two sides to every coin.
unfortunately, both 'sides' to this one... are sick... and the 'defect'... is theirs.
to the detriment of a great many 'innocent' people.
Nothing new under the sun, is there SJ. ((( )))
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
okay, i know (or want to believe) that not all jehovah's witnesses are this calloused.
at least i hope not.
there are some good, caring people, but here are some stark contrasts i've observed today that remind me of how glad i am that i'm not part of such an overall unloving group of people.
yeah Venice...once it could have been me too.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
my ex-brother in law phoned this morning and asked me how i felt about going to war now that i'm not in the org anymore.
with so many years of being told not to i wonder how many of us still feel that way.
would you be worldly conscientious objectors or would you defend...etc.... i'm not trying to antaganize or be inappropriate.
I don't know about the country I live in, but I know our freedoms have been attacked in all the CONGREGATIONS I've lived in.
I personally can't see myself killing someone, short or long range, because they beielve differently from me, or because I am dependant for my lifestyle on oil. But I like to think I would protect my family if someone broke into my house. I beat the crap out of a pursnatcher once, and would like to think I would do it again. Is war the same thing on a grander scale?
Tough question. Glad it was asked. Wish I had a better answer.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
yes folks.
twin towers hit!!!.
prelude to armaggeddon?.
Here are some more...
posted September 11, 2001 08:14 AM
I have a sister who lives in Manhattan and I've been trying to get through to her all morning. It appears no calls are going through right now. I hope she and her family are all right. Perhaps this will be the event that makes her take notice of the wickedness of the times. What would we have without knowing why these things are occuring and that our only hope for a bright future is God's Kingdom! Maybe people in our home territory will be comforted with the answers from the Bible.
posted September 11, 2001 09:56 AM
Greetings from Spain.
Spanish TV is broadcasting the TC disaster.
We think in our brothers and sisters there, and my son is saying me about some brothers and sisters from here who are in holidays in NY.
TV news are talking about a world war¡¡¡
(1 Corinthians 7:31) and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing.
Maybe this situation leads to a cry of
Peace and security .
People are fragile and insecure.Two planes brought down by air force.
what Angloamerican power will do?
There no future for this world.
We need the Kingdom of God...
then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
we have been informed in dayton that gas prices will go up by midnight by 4 dollars a gallon.
i hope this is another false alarm, but i am filling up in either case.
My son and and his family just called me by cellphone from the midwest, they have been sitting in the gas line for over an hour and think they will be there for at least that much more. Gas is already four dollars a gallon. It may have someting to do with the closing of the ports and non-servicing of the delivery tankers. What we have is what we've got.
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.
here is an extract of the awake!
article on the port arthur massacre some years ago in tasmania.
a nut with an automatic weapon went around slaughtering people willy-nilly in this famous tourist area.
I hate to put it this way...it isn't viloence in the media that's the problem...I believe that violence in the HOME does equal or more damage. As though JW's are above all that!!!
dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.